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Brings the starlark scripting language to helm charts


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Scriptable helm charts

This project brings the starlark scripting language to helm charts.


  • Define APIs for helm charts
  • Ease composition of charts
  • Control deployment by overriding methods
  • Compatible with helm
  • Share a common service like a database manager or an ingress between a set of sub charts
  • Use starlark methods in templates (replacement for _helpers.tpl)
  • Interact with kubernetes during installation
  • Manage user credentials
  • Act as glue code between helm charts
  • Rendering of ytt templates
  • Also available as kubernetes controller



  • Install kubectl e.g. using brew install kubernetes-cli

Install binary

  • Download shalm (e.g. for mac os)
curl | tar xzf

Build shalm from source

  • Install go e.g. using brew install go
  • Install shalm
go get


shalm template <chart>
shalm apply <chart>
shalm delete <chart>
shalm package <chart>

A set of example charts can be found in the charts/examples folder.

Charts can be given by path or by url. In case of an url, the chart must be packaged using shalm package.

Writing charts

Just follow the rules of helm to write charts. Additionally, you can put a file in the charts folder

├── Chart.yaml
├── values.yaml
└── templates/
└── ytt/

Using ytt yaml templates

You can use ytt yaml templates to render kubernetes artifacts. You simpy put them in the ytt folder inside a chart. There is currently no support for data, star or text files. The only value supplied to the templates is self, which is the current chart. You can access all values and methods within your chart.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: #@ self.namespace


Share database

The following example shows how a database manager could be shared.

  • Define an API for a database manager (e.g. mariadb)
def create_database(self,db="db",username="",password=""):
  • Define a constructor for a service, which requires a database
def init(self,database=None):
  if database:
  • Use the API within another chart
def init(self):
  self.mariadb = chart("mariadb")
  self.uaa = chart("uaa",database = self.mariadb)

Override apply

With shalm it's possible to override the apply and delete methods. The following example illustrates how this could be done

def init(self):
  self.mariadb = chart("mariadb")
  self.uaa = chart("uaa",database = self.mariadb)

def apply(self,k8s):
  self.mariadb.apply(k8s) # Apply mariadb stuff (recursive)
  k8s.rollout_status("statefulset","mariadb-master")  # Interact with kubernetes
  self.uaa.apply(k8s)     # Apply uaa stuff (recursive)
  self.__apply(k8s)       # Apply everthing defined in this chart (not recursive)

Create User Credentials

User credentials are used to manage username and password pairs. They are mapped to kubernets Secrets. If the secret doesn't exist, the username and password are created with random content, otherwise the fields are read from the secret. The keys used to store the username and password inside the secret can be modified.

The content of username and password can only be accessed after the call to __apply. Therefore, you need to override the apply method.

All user credentials created inside a file are automatically applied to kubernetes. If you run shalm template, the content of the username and password is undefined.

def init(self):
   self.nats = chart("")
   self.auth = user_credential("nats-auth")

def apply(self,k8s):
  self.nats.auth["user"] = self.auth.username
  self.nats.auth["password"] = self.auth.password

Using shalm controller

Charts can be also applied (in parts) using the shalm controller.

Install shalm controller

shalm apply charts/shalm

Install a shalm chart using the controller

shalm apply --proxy <chart>

or from inside another shalm chart

def init(self):
  self.mariadb = chart("mariadb",proxy=true)


The proxy mode is not working correctly in combination with multiple clusters. When you create a new K8s object to install stuff into a second cluster and turn proxy mode on, the custom resource shalmchart will be installed also in the second cluster. But normally there will be no shalm controller running in the second cluster.

In the future, there will be three proxy modes off, local and remote. local will install the custom resource in the local cluster and the operator will do the actual installation into the second cluster. remote will apply the custom resource into the second cluster and the actual installation will run locally inside the second cluster.


shalm helm ytt/kapp kustomize
Scripting + (3.1) + -
API definition + - - -
Reuse of existing charts + + - ?
Only simple logic in templates + + - +
Interaction with k8s + - - -
Repository + + - -
Mature technology - + + +
Manage user credentials + - - -
Controller based installation + - + -
Remove outdated objects +(1) + + -
Migrate existing objects +(1) - - -

(1): Must be implemented inside apply method


The following section describes the available methods inside



An new chart is created.
If no namespace is given, the namespace is inherited from the parent chart.

Parameter Description
url The chart is loaded from the given url. The url can be relative. In this case the chart is loaded from a path relative to the current chart location.
namespace If no namespace is given, the namespace is inherited from the parent chart.
suffix This suffix is appended to each chart name. The suffix is inhertied from the parent if no value is given
proxy If true, a proxy for the chart is returned. Applying or deleting a proxy chart is done by applying a CustomerResource to kubernetes. The installation process is then performed by the shalm-controller in the background
... Additional parameters are passed to the init method of the corresponding chart.


Applies the chart recursive to k8s. This method can be overwritten.

Parameter Description
8s See below


Applies the chart to k8s without recursion. This should only be used within apply

Parameter Description
k8s See below
timeout Timeout passed to kubectl apply. A timeout of zero means wait forever.
glob Pattern used to find the templates. Default is "*.yaml"


Deletes the chart recursive from k8s. This method can be overwritten.

Parameter Description
k8s See below


Deletes the chart from k8s without recursion. This should only be used within delete

Parameter Description
k8s See below
timeout Timeout passed to kubectl apply, A timeout of zero means wait forever.
glob Pattern used to find the templates. Default is "*.yaml"


Name Description
name Name of the chart. Defaults to
namespace Default namespace of the chart given via command line
__class__ Class of the chart. See chart_class for details



Create a new k8s object

Parameter Description
kube_config_content Content of kube config


Deletes one kubernetes object

Parameter Description
kind k8s kind
name name of k8s object
timeout Timeout passed to kubectl apply. A timeout of zero means wait forever.
namespaced If true object in the current namespace are deleted. Otherwise object in cluster scope will be deleted. Default is true


Get one kubernetes object. The value is returned as a dict.

Parameter Description
kind k8s kind
name name of k8s object
timeout Timeout passed to kubectl get. A timeout of zero means wait forever.
namespaced If true object in the current namespace are listed. Otherwise object in cluster scope will be listed. Default is true,name,namespaced=false,timeout=0)

Watch one kubernetes object. The value is returned as a iterator.

Parameter Description
kind k8s kind
name name of k8s object
timeout Timeout passed to kubectl watch. A timeout of zero means wait forever.
namespaced If true object in the current namespace are listed. Otherwise object in cluster scope will be listed. Default is true


Wait for rollout status of one kubernetes object

Parameter Description
kind k8s kind
name name of k8s object
timeout Timeout passed to kubectl apply. A timeout of zero means wait forever.

k8s.wait(kind,name,condition, timeout=0)

Wait for condition of one kubernetes object

Parameter Description
kind k8s kind
name name of k8s object
condition condition
timeout Timeout passed to kubectl apply. A timeout of zero means wait forever.



Creates a new user credential. All user credentials created inside a file are automatically applied to kubernetes.

Parameter Description
name The name of the kubernetes secret used to hold the information
username Username. If it's empty it's either read from the secret or created with a random content.
password Password. If it's empty it's either read from the secret or created with a random content.
username_key The name of the key used to store the username inside the secret
password_key The name of the key used to store the password inside the secret


Name Description
username Returns the content of the username attribute. It is only valid after calling chart.__apply(k8s) or it was set in the constructor.
password Returns the content of the password attribute. It is only valid after calling chart.__apply(k8s) or it was set in the constructor.


See bazel documentation. to_proto and to_json are not yet supported.


The chart_class represents the values read from the Chart.yaml file


Name Description
api_version API version
name Name
version Version
description Description
keywords Keywords
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Difference to helm

  • Subcharts are not loaded automatically. They must be loaded using the chart command
  • Global variables are not supported.
  • The --set command line parameters are passed to the init method of the corresponding chart. It's not possible to set values (from values.yaml) directly. If you would like to set a lot of values, it's more convenient to write a separate shalm chart.
  • shalm doesn't track installed charts on a kubernetes cluster. It works more like kubectl apply
  • The .Release.Name value is build as follows: <>-<chart.suffix>. If no suffix is given, the hyphen is also ommited.


Brings the starlark scripting language to helm charts







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