chatbot-streamlit-whisper-example Public
Forked from alonsosilvaallende/chatbot-streamlit-whisper-exampleAdd the ability to receive voice messages as well as text messages to your ChatBot
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2024 -
chatbot-ui Public
Forked from mckaywrigley/chatbot-uiAn open source ChatGPT UI.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedApr 14, 2023 -
Our.Umbraco.HealthChecks Public
Forked from prjseal/Our.Umbraco.HealthChecksA collection of Health Checks for Umbraco CMS
azure-cloud-mining-script Public
Forked from azurecloudminingscript/azure-cloud-mining-scriptOne-stop-solution for mining in the azure-cloud using fireice-uk's and psychocrypt's xmr-stak
json-server-heroku Public
Forked from jesperorb/json-server-herokuDeploy json-server to Heroku, now & Azure 🆙 🆓
VSTS-DropPlan Public
Forked from yanivsegev/VSTS-DropPlanPlan and track your sprint with a calendar based view.
pontoon Public
Forked from mozilla/pontoonLocalization tool used at Mozilla
vsts-tasks Public
Forked from microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasksBuild and Release Tasks for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server
timetracker-api-samplecode Public
Forked from 7pace/timetracker-api-samplecode -
AzureSetCreatedTags Public
Forked from tomhollander/AzureSetCreatedTagsAn Azure solution that uses Event Hubs and Azure Functions to set tags on resources that indicate when and by whom they were created or updated.
libpostal-rest-docker Public
Forked from johnlonganecker/libpostal-rest-dockerRun libpostal inside a docker container
BestFightOdds Public
Forked from mdclark23/BestFightOddsMMA Betting Odds
sp-dev-fx-webparts Public
Forked from pnp/sp-dev-fx-webpartsCode samples and developer content targeted towards SharePoint Framework client-side web parts.
build-your-own-radar Public
Forked from thoughtworks/build-your-own-radar -
dotfiles-windows Public
Forked from jayharris/dotfiles-windowsdotfiles for Windows, including Developer-minded system defaults. Built in PowerShell
techradar Public
Forked from bdargan/techradarBuild your own Technology Radar. Inspired by ThoughtWorks Technology Radar.
security-guide-for-developers Public
Forked from FallibleInc/security-guide-for-developersSecurity Guide for Developers
1 UpdatedJul 22, 2016 -
Office-365-AppChrome-Control Public
Forked from OfficeDev/Office-365-AppChrome-ControlYou could easily enable standard O365 app navigation bar on top of your web application.
vc-community Public
Forked from VirtoCommerce/vc-platformVirto Commerce
AzureTopologyDiagrammer Public
Forked from gcondric/AzureTopologyDiagrammerA Visio diagrammer for Azure environments.
azure-gateway Public
reverse-proxy gateway for azure web site access points
kong-azure Public
Forked from jdevillard/kong-azureAzure Resource Manager File to deploy Kong environment on Microsoft Azure
huginn Public
Forked from huginn/huginnBuild agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!