Usage example:
from box import BoxClient
from StringIO import StringIO
client = BoxClient('user_token')
client.upload_file('hello.txt', StringIO('hello world'))
- File download, upload and overwrite.
- Delete (including permanent delete), copy, move & restore
- Directory enumeration
- Link share
- User info fetch
- Thumbnails
- Search
- Events + longpoll
- Python 2.6+
- PyPy (dependent on lxml at this point for the v1 authentication flow; see
$ pip install
metadata = client.upload_file('hello.txt', StringIO('hello world'))
>>> metadata['id']
response = client.download_file('123456')
>>> response.text
'hello world'
metadata = client.copy_file('123456', new_filename='goodbye.txt')
>>> metadata['id']
position = client.long_poll_for_events() # this will block until there are new events
events = client.get_events(position)
from box import start_authenticate_v2, finish_authenticate_v2
url = start_authenticate_v2('my_api_key')
>>> url
Next, redirect the user to url.
Once he accepts, a redirect will be issued to the page defined in your developer settings. The "code" is passed as a GET argument.
http_get_params = ... # for django, this would be request.GET
response = finish_authenticate_v2('my_client_id', 'my_client_secret', http_get_params['code'])
>>> response
{ 'access_token': '1111111111111111',
'restricted_to': [],
'token_type': 'bearer',
'expires_in': 4056,
'refresh_token': '999998988888877766665555444433332221111'
client = BoxClient(response['access_token'])
The v2 security API introduces a mandatory token refresh mechanism (according to Box, this was done to mitigate the impact of token theft).
Essentially, every so often, the token needs to be "refreshed", which involves hitting a Box endpoint with a special "refresh token", which returns new access & refresh tokens that replace the old ones.
For more details, see here:
The refresh dance can be performed explicitly as following:
from box import refresh_v2_token
response = refresh_v2_token('my_client_id', 'my_client_secret', 'my_refresh_token')
>>> response
{ 'access_token': '2222222222222222',
'restricted_to': [],
'token_type': 'bearer',
'expires_in': 4056,
'refresh_token': '7777777777777777'
This can also be done automatically by the client, and you can register a callback that will notify you about the new tokens:
def token_refreshed_callback(access_token, refresh_token):
this gets called whenever the tokens have been refreshed. Should persist those somewhere.
print 'new access token: ' + access_token
print 'new refresh token: ' + refresh_token
from box import CredentialsV2
credentials = CredentialsV2('my_access_token', 'my_refresh_token', 'my_client_id', 'my_client_secret', refresh_callback=token_refreshed_callback)
client = BoxClient(credentials)
client.download_file(....) # if the tokens have expired, they will be refreshed automatically and token_refreshed_callback would get invoked