The [IWY Master light] ( can be controlled via WIFI. The manufacturer provides apps for Android and iOS which allows to:
- switch on and off
- change color
- change brightness
This node module can be used to control the light device from any computing unit which is able to run Node.js or IO.js (e.g. a Raspberry Pi).
npm install iwy_master
Here you can find a 'Hello Word' example.
IwyMaster = require('iwy_master');
iwy = new IwyMaster(HOST, [PORT]);
You should know the IP of your light device, if not use an IP scanner and figure it out. The port and callbak are optional. If you don`t set a port it will take the default one (5577), which should be fine for almost every case.
All commands can be called with an optional. This callback will yield an possible error and the device state after the change. E.g:
command(function(err, state) {...});
The state object will look like:
power: true|false,
mode: 'WHITE'|'COLOR',
brightness: between 0 and 100,
color: {
r: between 0 and 255,
g: between 0 and 255,
b: between 0 and 255
Should be obvious.
Should be obvious.
Switchs the light dievice into warm white mode.
setColor(red, green, blue, [callback])
Switchs the light dievice into color mode and applies the defined color.
The parameter red
, green
and blue
must be set and btween 0 and 255.
setBrightness(value, [callback])
Set the brightness of the light in both modes. The value must be between 0 and 100. Note: In color mode the color itself will be adjust to a lighter or darker version of it.