- Sydney, Australia
- http://philoye.com/
oyekids Public
Sinatra app that powers oyekids.com, yet another mashup of the Flickr and Twitter apis.
dotfiles Public
My lame dotfiles. If you're looking for good ideas, you should probably keep looking.
pretender Public
Forked from ankane/pretenderSimple, powerful user impersonation for Rails
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2016 -
createsend-php Public
Forked from campaignmonitor/createsend-phpA PHP library for the Campaign Monitor API
PHP Other UpdatedAug 5, 2015 -
createsend-ruby Public
Forked from campaignmonitor/createsend-rubyA Ruby library for the Campaign Monitor API
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2015 -
createsend-python Public
Forked from russella-acm/createsend-pythonA Python library for the Campaign Monitor API
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2015 -
tweetden Public
A personal Twitter archive, including a backup of your tweets and a basic front-end for browsing/searching.
illustrator-scripts Public
Forked from mericson/illustrator-scriptsIllustrator Scripts
JavaScript UpdatedMar 26, 2014 -
emojivert Public
Translate emoji from one encoding to another.
sinatra-boilerplate Public
Yet another sinatra template, this one ready for guard, heroku, coffeescript/haml/sass, asset packing, and proper caching.
server-todos Public
ServerToDos: Backbone, Haml, Sinatra, Mustache, CoffeeScript
sinatra-assetpack Public
Forked from rstacruz/sinatra-assetpackPackage your assets transparently in Sinatra.
Ruby UpdatedNov 13, 2012 -
vim-haml Public
Forked from tpope/vim-hamlVim runtime files for Haml, Sass, and SCSS
underscore.string Public
Forked from esamattis/underscore.stringString manipulation extensions for Underscore.js javascript library.
fontunstack Public
A jQuery plugin that tells you which font in your css stack is used.
CacheManager Public
Forked from dhayab/CacheManagerAn extension to Titanium.Network.HTTPClient that provide content cache management
kubrick Public
To infinity and beyond... or maybe just 100,000 feet
tweet-shorturl Public
A bookmarklet that helps tweet a canonical shorturl or a new bitly url.
g.raphael Public
Forked from DmitryBaranovskiy/g.raphaelCharts for Raphaël
rehearsals Public
A Sinatra application that lets you run multiple versions of your app simultaneously.
polypage Public
Forked from andykent/polypageA jQuery plugin to ease the development of dynamic html wireframes with state.