Everyone needs a place to write about their favorite albums! That's why in this project we'll be creating an application to chronicle all your favorite music. The applicaiton will include reviews of a few classic albums and provide the capability for users to add more.
Create a professional-looking, full-stack application with functioning front and back end. Using primarily Mongoose, Express, React, and Javascript you will create a custom API on the backend and active React forms on the front end. The application should have full CRUD operations.
Get started:
-start mongo server
-start a mongo shell
-npm init -y
-npm install mongoose
-mkdir db models seed
-touch db/index.js models/album.js seed/albums.js
Next Steps:
-Establish a Database connection
-Establish schemas for what for album reviews will look like
-Install and deploy Express and Nodemon:
-npm install express
-npm install nodemon --save-dev
-Set up express folders and the root route
-Test the route
-Use Insomnia to ensure successful connection
-Employ React forms
-Make sure React forms are working and the objects are being updated via CRUD
-Add albums reviews to your hearts content
Front End:
Pages include add, update, and delete album
Trello Board: trello
Heroku: heroku