Pharaoh Tools
- London
- http://www.pharaohtools.com
Infrastructure as Code, Configuration Management as Code and Systems Automation, all in PHP
One-time password PHP implementation of HMAC-based algorithm according to RFC 4226 and RFC 6238 compatible with Google Authenticator.
Converts Scratch projects into HTML files, zip archives, or executable programs for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Composable smart contract hosting with fail-safe interoperable execution
TurboWarp / scratch-vm
Forked from scratchfoundation/scratch-vmScratch VM with a JIT compiler and more features
TurboWarp / scratch-gui
Forked from scratchfoundation/scratch-guiTurboWarp GUI and addons
Cloud variable server monorepo: Node.js server implementation and protocol documentation
Packaged versions of Zotero and Juris-M for Debian-based systems
Running an ansible playbook and seeing output in real time (Demo)
Ansible Collection for Community AWS
A wrapper for our REST API - SMS, voice, post, email, fax.
Prevent users from reusing recently used passwords
facebook/webdriver extension for mink
Selenium2 (webdriver) driver for Mink framework
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in PHP .
This PHP 5.5+ library allows you to interact with your Proxmox server API.