Vue-Bag-Admin采用Vue3、Vite5、Naive UI、JavaScript、Pinia等等前端最新的技术栈开发,通过npm包引入,它允许开发者在不修改原代码基础上扩展新的功能,使得应用更加模块化和易于维护,一款清新好看的响应式中后台管理系统
DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device) speech-to-text engine which can run in real time on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi 4 to high power GPU servers.
🔊 Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model
stable diffusion webui colab
Backend master class: build a simple bank service in Go
XAPI MANAGER -专业实用的开源接口管理平台,为程序开发者提供一个灵活,方便,快捷的API管理工具,让API管理变的更加清晰、明朗。如果你觉得xApi对你有用的话,别忘了给我们点个赞哦^_^ !
Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
SEX IS ZERO (0), so, who wanna be the ONE (1), aha?
Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
Render 3D scenes into SVG or HTML5 Canvas.
Web interface for XHProf profiling data can store data in MongoDB or PDO database
🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more
Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
Basic demo for using Fabricjs inside Reactjs
FCC China open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.