Publication of Maize Ear, Cob and Kernel Code
April 14 2016
- Whole set of functions are uploaed
- Cob function works for 300, 600, 800 and 1200 DPI.
- Ear function is currently in process
- Project Name
April 18 2016
- Ear function works for 300DPI and 800DPI
- Still I need to find a way to confirm if it is expected result
April 19 2016
- Ear function is almost done
- Kernel function is in process
- Error occurs in kernel function
April 26 2016
- wrap4Cob added
- loop4Scale added
TODO: Describe the installation process
TODO: Write usage instructions
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Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
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TODO: Write history
Spalding Labatory, The Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin Madison
Nathan D. Miller
Jonghyun Lee
TODO: Write license