Install PHP somewhere on your PATH. No extra modules are required, just the default configuration is fine. cd to the project root. mkdir out; php update-manager/update-manager.php dscript out/wh.txt . wh Check out/wh.txt for anything suspicious. You probably won't find anything because the script is too complicated for human consumption. php update-manager/update-manager.php script out/wh.txt "out/Witch-Hunt.file" 8 Copy the generated .file file to the Umineko Project directory and choose "Witch-Hunt" as your language in the game settings.
PHP 깔고 path 추가한다음
프로젝트에서 mkdir out; php update-manager/update-manager.php dscript out/en.txt . en
이렇게 쳐서 txt로 뽑아서 한번검사한다음 이상없으면
php update-manager/update-manager.php script out/en.txt "out/en.file" 8
하면 en.file 나옴
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