Apple BLE Proximity Pairing Message Spoofing
These scripts are an experimental PoC that uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to send proximity pairing messages to Apple devices.
This project is created for educational purposes and cannot be used for law violation or personal gain. The author of this project is not responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this project.
This was created in response to the various AppleTV spoof messages being sent out during DEF CON 31. After experiencing it first hand, I had to figure out what was happening. The existing research projects I could find see credits had great info but were both a couple years out of date with broken package dependancies, so I decided to take what I could from them and start building from there.
This is a work in progress, its only been two weeks since it was launched / showcased at DEF CON and I think I've made some decent progress in getting this working as simply as posible for everyone. I'll eventually go back and re-work some of the more technical parts of the original projects but wanted to get something fun out there that people can start playing with right away.
To run these scripts you need a Linux machine with an internal Bluetooth card or a USB Bluetooth adapter.
All original testing was done on a Lenovo T480 with a built-in Bluetooth adapter.
Later tested on Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Kali Linux with a Zexmte Long Range USB Bluetooth 5.1 Adapter with Dual Antenna.
With the Lenovo computer running Kali Linux using the internal Bluetooth, the messages would only reach devices within a couple feet of the machine.
With the Raspberry Pi and long range Bluetooth adapter, I'm able to get 20+ feet of range indoors in an area with loads of BLE traffic and noise. Outdoor range should be much greater but remains to be tested.
Please follow in this exact order or you might run into issues with bluetooth dependencies.
Clone the Main Repo
git clone && cd ./AppleJuice
Install dependancies
install -y bluez libpcap-dev libev-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev cmake libbluetooth-dev
Install pybluez
The pybluez library is broken on Github and needs to be installed manually
- download the latest version from
pip install git+
Install Requirements
`sudo pip install -r requirements.txt'
To Run Scripts Without Sudo
To be able to run without sudo, you need to set the capabilities of the python binary to allow it to access raw sockets. This is done with the following command:
sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip $(eval readlink -f 'which python'
Before running the script, check that your Bluetooth adapter is connected and showing as hci0
Run hcitool dev
to get a list of connected adapters
hcitool dev
hci0 00:00:7C:00:3A:13
If the adapter is showing as hci1
you will need to edit the dev_id
variable in the scripts to match
Model: Airpods This script is used to send BLE pairing messages to Apple devices.
Model: Airpods Max
Credit to:
- FuriousMAC and Hexway for all the prior research on Apple BLE, Continuity, and building the Wireshark disector.
- Jae Bochs for exposing this to me at DEF CON 31 which made me jump into learning about BLE.
- Guillaume Celosia and Mathieu Cunche for reverse engineering Proximity Pairing Discontinued Privacy: Personal Data Leaks in Apple Bluetooth-Low-Energy Continuity Protocols.