Sound As Pure Form - a Forth-like language for audio synthesis using lazy lists and APL-like auto-mapping.
gen~ to Daisy: exporting Max Gen patchers for the ElectroSmith Daisy hardware platforms
MaxToolBox is a plugin for Max/MSP that will help you patch faster
C++ Audio Plug-in Framework for desktop, mobile and web
Subtractive monobass synth & device template for Max for Live
Clangd's off-spec features for neovim's LSP client. Use instead
Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer
Header-only arena allocator implementation in C.
Cross compile source code easily for Windows with clang on Linux/Unix
This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows
A tiny programming language that transpiles to C, C++, Java, TypeScript, Python, C#, Swift, Lua and WebAssembly 🚀
Attempt at creating an architecture agnostic jit library, heavily inspired by copy-and-patch.
A javascript text differencing implementation.
Simple, general, human-sympathetic binary data format
A simple compile-to-WebAssembly language
Pixel graphics in terminal with unicode braille characters
Inspired by Lispkit Lisp, this is a series of DIY Forths