Setup website monitoring from within Slack
- Install PSQL
- Install NPM
- Setup a slackbot
- If deploying locally, you may need to use ngrok
git clone [email protected]:pickovven/site-monitor.git
- Setup a psql DB with the name "sites". Example for linux:
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE sites;"
- Start the psql server
sudo service postgresql start
- Create an
file in the project root folder and add the following:
SLACKBOT_TOKEN="{enter token}"
DATABASE_URL="postgresql://{PSQL Username}:{PSQL Password}@{HOST}:{PORT}/{DB NAME}?schema=public"
- Replace the databse and slackbot information with your environment's setup
- run
npm install
- run
npm start
- Navigate to root folder
- Run
npm start
The project uses prisma.
After adding the app to your workspace, there are two commands
: add sites that can be monitored to the DB.
: check if a site is live