Lectured by Prof. Jen-Tzung Chien and this note is owned by Wen-Sheng Lo
- Bayesian Linear Regression
- Prove the predictive distribution of Bayesian linear regression
- See "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" of Christopher M. Bishop for more
- Linear Regression
- Need to know the difference of MLE(Maximum Likelihood Estimation) & MAP(Maximum A Posterior)
- See this article to learn more
- No need too much assumption
- Maximize the likelihood (Minimize the KL divergence)
- Try to find the model's distribution from data
- Might have overfitting problem
$\theta_{MLE} = argmin_{\theta}\frac{1}{N}\Sigma-lnp(y_i|x_i,m,\theta}$
- Need to assume prior probability before training
- Maximize the posterior
- After input data, use it and the prior to update posterior
$\theta_{MAP} = arg max_{\theta}{lnp(y_i|x_i,m,\theta}+lnp(\theta|m)$ - Term
${lnp(y_i|x_i,m,\theta}$ is just like MLE -
$p(\theta|m)$ is the prior
- Term
- Homework note
- Linear regression can use closed form or gradient descent to find
$w$ - Closed form:
$w = (X^TX)^{-1}X^TY$ - It's a least square solution
- Need a lot of time to calculate when dataset is big
- Gradient descent:
$w^{new} = w^{old} - \alpha\bigtriangledown E(w)$ -
$E(w)$ is error function -
$\bigtriangledown E(w)$ is the gradient of error function with respect to w
- Closed form:
- Linear regression can use closed form or gradient descent to find
- Sequential Bayesian Learning
- Basis Function
- Assume the number of basis function
$\phi(x)$ is M - Input a scalar x, you get an array
- Assume the number of basis function
- Basis Function
- Logistic Regression
- Newton method:
$w^{new} = w^{old} + H^{-1}\bigtriangledown E(w)$ - Batch GD
- 一次把全部training data的$\bigtriangledown E(w)$加起來,再去更新w
- Stochastic GD
- 一次只算一個training data的$\bigtriangledown E(w)$,就更新w
- Mini-batch GD
- 一次只算給定的batch size的training data的$\bigtriangledown E(w)$,才更新w
- Homework note
- Feature的covariance matrix,可以用np.linalg.eig去拿eigenvector去計算
- 用eigenvector畫圖的時候不知道會甚麼要用np.linalg.svd裡面的eigenvector才畫得像樣的圖
- Newton method:
- Gaussian Process for Regression
- Support Vector Machine
- Import libraray
from sklearn.svm import SVC
- Function call
# For linear kernel SVM linear_svm = SVC(kernel = 'linear') # For polynomial(degree of 2) kernel SVM poly_svm = SVC(kernel = 'poly',degree = 2) # To fit the training data linear_svm.fit(train_x,train_t) #注意train_t內的elements只能是-1 or +1 # Get parameter from model support_vectors = linear_svm.support_vectors_ at = linear_svm.dual_coef_ # 這個是SVM的y(x) function內會用到的langrange coefficient a乘上x的label t的值 b = linear_svm.intercept_ # 一樣是y(x) function內會用到的bias值
- Import libraray
- Gaussian Mixture Model
- Homework note
- 先用K-means去找到M個中心點,叫做mu
- 算出pi,mu,sigma
- 再拿去當作GMM的初始值
- 再依序用E-step/M-step去更新pi,mu,sigma
- E-step
- 求出新的responsibility
- 求出新的responsibility
- M-step
- 根據公式算出新的pi,mu,sigma
- E-step
- Homework note