The "UGCC People" network facilitates people asking other people questions related to the life of their local parishes.
The questions include but not limited to Holy Mass schedule and how people take care of their children.
The UGCC People does not aim at replacing any other content-reach and feature-full social network like Facebook or messenger like WhatsApp. These monstrous social networks contain all kinds of info about everything.
Current network, on the other hand, helps to find proper people and info in that "everything about everything" world of the existing general-purpose social networks and messengers.
User asks a chat-bot in some third-party messenger app like WhatsApp or Telegram for a one-time password (OTP). That OTP should be used in the following API:
POST /api/v1/login
Request body:
{"otp": "1234"}
where 1234 is a OTP from the chat-bot.
Response body example:
where "07ea607a-be00-44ea-aa93-6870e7c57e24" is a secret session key code.
Get the countries, where UGCC people live and take part in Holy Masses.
GET /api/v1/countries
The request should be executed with session key header like
session-key: 07ea607a-be00-44ea-aa93-6870e7c57e24'
where session-key value is taken from API1.
Response body example:
Get the cities, where UGCC people live and take part in Holy Masses.
GET /api/v1/countries/Ukraine/cities
where Ukraine is id of one of the countries returned by API2.
The request should be executed with session key header like
session-key: 07ea607a-be00-44ea-aa93-6870e7c57e24'
where session-key value is taken from API1.
Response body example:
Get the churches where UGCC people take part in Holy Masses.
GET /api/v1/countries/Ukraine/cities/Ukraine-Kyiv/churches
where Ukraine is id of one of the countries returned by API2, Ukraine-Kyiv is id of one of the cities returned by API3.
The request should be executed with session key header like
session-key: 07ea607a-be00-44ea-aa93-6870e7c57e24'
where session-key value is taken from API1.
Response body example:
"ukr":"Святого Йосафата поблизу станції метро Святошин",
"eng":"Saint Josaphat near the Svyatoshyn metro station"
}, ...
Add a person that takes part in Holy Masses to a church.
POST /api/v1/countries/Ukraine/cities/Ukraine-Kyiv/churches/Ukraine-Kyiv-Yosafata/people
where Ukraine is id of one of the countries returned by API2, Ukraine-Kyiv is id of one of the cities returned by API3, Ukraine-Kyiv-Yosafata is the id of a church from the API4.
The request should be executed with session key header like
session-key: 07ea607a-be00-44ea-aa93-6870e7c57e24'
where session-key value is taken from API1.
Request body example:
"lastVisit": "every-Sunday"
where "lastVisit" describes how often the user, that issues the request, attends the specified church. It can be "every-day", "every-Sunday", "few-times-a-month", "every-year", or a date like "2024-05-31" meaning that the user attended the church until that date.
Response body example:
"id": "23792749",
"name": "Jurij Pigowski",
"lastVisit": "every-Sunday"
GET /api/v1/countries/Ukraine/cities/Ukraine-Kyiv/churches/Ukraine-Kyiv-Yosafata/people
where Ukraine is id of one of the countries returned by API2, Ukraine-Kyiv is id of one of the cities returned by API3, Ukraine-Kyiv-Yosafata is the id of a church from the API4.
The request should be executed with session key header like
session-key: 07ea607a-be00-44ea-aa93-6870e7c57e24'
where session-key value is taken from API1.
Response body example:
"id": "86574873",
"name": "o. Wasyl Dragomyrezki",
"lastVisit": "every-day"
"id": "23792749",
"name": "Jurij Pigowski",
"lastVisit": "2021-11-30"
POST /api/v1/countries/Ukraine/cities/Ukraine-Kyiv/churches/Ukraine-Kyiv-Yosafata/people/23792749/messages
where Ukraine is id of one of the countries returned by API2, Ukraine-Kyiv is id of one of the cities returned by API3, Ukraine-Kyiv-Yosafata is the id of a church from the API4, 23792749 is a person id returned by API6.
The request should be executed with session key header like
session-key: 07ea607a-be00-44ea-aa93-6870e7c57e24'
where session-key value is taken from API1.
Request body example:
"text": "At what time is a Holy Mass this Sunday?"
Response body example:
"status": "delivered"