Samizdat Public
being bits and pieces I'm inclined to leave lying around
Syrup Public
being a programming language for sequential circuits
TypesWhoSayNi Public
being the materials for a paper I have in mind to write about the bidirectional discipline
MS4P Public
being some thoughts about introductory mathematics for computer science
leibniz Public
being a toy which invites its user to evaluate applicative Haskell programs
ask-bis Public
being a second attempt to build the ask proof assistant, hopefully with less flake
1 UpdatedOct 6, 2022 -
SmolCat Public
being an exploration of categories small enough for arrows to have uncontroversially intensional equality
7 UpdatedJul 15, 2022 -
EGTBS Public
being the introduction to co-de-Bruijn metasyntax
ProgrammerCommaCon Public
being a collection of Agda-facilitated ramblings
CS410-18 Public
being the teaching materials and exercises for CS410 in the 2018/19 session
InteriorDesign Public
being the monadic treatment of interiors indexed by perimeters
CS410-17 Public
being the lecture materials and exercises for the 2017/18 session of CS410 Advanced Functional Programming at the University of Strathclyde
Saturday Public
being a thing I build on a Saturday
Bi71 Public
being a bidirectional reformulation of Martin-Löf's 1971 type theory
Ohrid-Agda Public
being my notes and exercises for the Types Summer School in Ohrid, (FYRO) Macedonia, July 2017
Pert Public
being some thoughts about the succinct organisation of data by pertinence
UpdatedMay 14, 2017 -
CS410-16 Public
being the lecture materials and exercises for the 2016/17 session of Advanced Functional Programming at Strathclyde