A simple bot to view and use a calendar in discord. This is a work in progress!
1. Python 3.9 and PostgreSQL is required to run this bot installation here and here
2. Get the code and install the requirements
git clone https://github.com/pikaninja/Calendar.git
Then navigate to the directory created and install the requirements
pip install -U requirements.txt
3. Set up PostgreSQL
Inside the postgres command prompt, psql
, type
CREATE ROLE calendarbot WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE DATABASE calendar OWNER calendarbot;
4. Creating the config file
First copy the sample config file into a new file, config.toml
TOKEN = "token" # Your bot's token
PREFIX = "cb/" # Default prefix is "cb/", you can change it if you want
OWNER_IDS = [1, 2, 3] # Put your id and others for the ones who will get powers in the bot
# all options defined here are passed to asyncpg.create_pool
host = "localhost" # Most likely localhost unless you're hosting elsewhere, in which case you should know what you're doing
database = "calendar" # We created the database earlier
password = "password" # The password you used
user = "calendarbot" # Also created above
# optional - all flags defined here are set by the bot
5. Running the bot To run our bot now, all we have to do is
python3.9 main.py
Which will start up our bot!