Nanjing University
Mining technical factors based on symbolic regression via genetic algorithm
DOFEN is a novel tree-inspired deep tabular neural network, accepted by NeurIPS 2024
A collection of research papers on decision, classification and regression trees with implementations.
ML models + benchmark for tabular data classification and regression
A customized PyTorch layer and a customized PyTorch activation function using B-spline transformation
pseudocode and algorithms for the paper "Alpha$^2$: Discovering Logical Formulaic Alphas using Deep Reinforcement Learning"
Official code for "The Capacity and Robustness Trade-off: Revisiting the Channel Independent Strategy for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting", TKDE 2024
Official implement for "SOFTS: Efficient Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Series-Core Fusion"(NeurIPS'24) in PyTorch.
A Library for Advanced Deep Time Series Models.
A paper list of spiking neural networks, including papers, codes, and related websites. 本仓库收集脉冲神经网络相关的顶会顶刊论文和代码,正在持续更新中。
MambaFormer in-context learning experiments and implementation for https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.04248
MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision?
Implementation of gMLP, an all-MLP replacement for Transformers, in Pytorch
Python implementation of GLN in different frameworks
Official implementation of our ICML 2023 paper "LinSATNet: The Positive Linear Satisfiability Neural Networks".
The official implementation of LIFT (ICLR'24). Rethinking Channel Dependence for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting: Learning from Leading Indicators.
Official code implementation of AAAI 2024 paper "StockMixer: A Simple yet Strong MLP-based Architecture for Stock Price Forecasting".
The entmax mapping and its loss, a family of sparse softmax alternatives.
(ICLR 2024) GRANDE: Gradient-Based Decision Tree Ensembles
Code release for "Koopa: Learning Non-stationary Time Series Dynamics with Koopman Predictors" (NeurIPS 2023), https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18803
Python implementations of the Boruta all-relevant feature selection method.
[NeurIPS 2023] The PyTorch Implementation of Scheduled (Stable) Weight Decay.
Making decision trees competitive with neural networks on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImagenet200, Imagenet