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Tags: pilot114/dbal




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doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [4.0.2](…


### 4.0.2

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **4**
- Total contributors: **3**

#### Documentation

 - [6340: &doctrine#91;Documentation&doctrine#93; Fixing markup](doctrine#6340) thanks to @ThomasLandauer
 - [6339: Remove older versions from the docs](doctrine#6339) thanks to @SenseException
 - [6336: &doctrine#91;Documentation&doctrine#93; Adding "versionadded"](doctrine#6336) thanks to @ThomasLandauer
 - [6333: Update](doctrine#6333) thanks to @kalifg



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doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [3.8.4](…


### 3.8.4

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **8**
- Total contributors: **5**

#### Bug,Connecting,Transactions

 - [6362: Connection::setNestTransactionsWithSavepoints() should not break lazy connection](doctrine#6362) thanks to @derrabus

#### PostgreSQL,Test Suite

 - [6359: Avoid calling deprecated Type::getName()](doctrine#6359) thanks to @derrabus

#### Bug,PostgreSQL,Schema Definition

 - [6358: Ensure correct json default value normalization](doctrine#6358) thanks to @sbuerk

#### CI,Documentation

 - [6355: Document how to run integration tests locally](doctrine#6355) thanks to @greg0ire

#### CI,MariaDB

 - [6342: Add MariaDB 11.3 to the test matrix](doctrine#6342) thanks to @derrabus

#### Documentation

 - [6332: Spell which properly](doctrine#6332) thanks to @greg0ire
 - [6014: &doctrine#91;Docs&doctrine#93; Update docs regarding "datetimetz" type](doctrine#6014) thanks to @phansys

#### Bug,SQLite,Schema Management

 - [6325: Fix double quote used wrongly for literal value in SqliteSchemaManager](doctrine#6325) thanks to @mvorisek



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doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [4.0.1](…


### 4.0.1

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **7**
- Total contributors: **4**

#### Documentation

 - [6318: Remove Type::canRequireSQLConversion from docs](doctrine#6318) thanks to @SchmidtClaudia
 - [6298: Fix typo in](doctrine#6298) thanks to @txptr
 - [6293: Update branch metadata](doctrine#6293) thanks to @derrabus

#### Test Suite

 - [6312: Use native intersection types in test suite](doctrine#6312) thanks to @derrabus
 - [6311: Migrate PHPUnit test suite to attributes](doctrine#6311) thanks to @derrabus

#### Documentation,PostgreSQL

 - [6305: &doctrine#91;Documentation&doctrine#93; Adding exact command for Postgres serial migration](doctrine#6305) thanks to @ThomasLandauer

#### Static Analysis

 - [6294: Psalm 5.21.1](doctrine#6294) thanks to @derrabus



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doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [3.8.3](…


### 3.8.3

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **4**
- Total contributors: **3**


 - [6323: Bump CI workflows](doctrine#6323) thanks to @derrabus

#### Bug,Type Mapping,Types

 - [6321: Make all mapped database types case insensitive](doctrine#6321) thanks to @Rainrider

#### Bug,Configuration,Connecting,pdo_pgsql,pgsql

 - [6320: Add gssencmode option to connection string for PgSQL & PDO PgSQL driver](doctrine#6320) thanks to @hacfi

#### Static Analysis

 - [6307: PHPStan 1.10.58, PHPCS 3.9.0](doctrine#6307) thanks to @derrabus



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doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [3.8.2](…


### 3.8.2

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **4**
- Total contributors: **3**

#### Bug,Platforms,Static Analysis

 - [6302: AbstractPlatform: allow any string in interval for date interval expression](doctrine#6302) thanks to @ondrejmirtes

#### Documentation

 - [6295: Move type coverage badge](doctrine#6295) thanks to @greg0ire
 - [6292: Update branches in](doctrine#6292) thanks to @derrabus
 - [6291: Update branch metadata](doctrine#6291) thanks to @derrabus



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [4.0.0](…


### 4.0.0

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **1**
- Total contributors: **1**

#### Documentation

 - [6282: Use double backticks](doctrine#6282) thanks to @greg0ire



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [3.8.1](…


### 3.8.1

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **5**
- Total contributors: **3**

#### Static Analysis,Test Suite

 - [6290: PHPStan 1.10.57, PHPUnit 9.6.16](doctrine#6290) thanks to @derrabus

#### Bug,Cache

 - [6283: Add safety check about cache value](doctrine#6283) thanks to @VincentLanglet

#### CI,MySQL

 - [6279: Run tests with MySQL 8.3](doctrine#6279) thanks to @derrabus

#### Documentation

 - [6278: Update branch metadata](doctrine#6278) thanks to @derrabus

#### Improvement,MariaDB,Schema Introspection

 - [6275: Avoid ambigous TABLE&doctrine#95;NAME in query](doctrine#6275) thanks to @dsentker



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature.
PHPUnit 10.5.9 (doctrine#6266)

This PR upgrades PHPUnit to 10.5.9.

~~Apparently, the build is broken by a couple of warnings that PHPUnit
collected. I've pushed a commit that makes them visible. We should
investigate those warnings.~~

Warnings have been addressed.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [3.8.0](…


### 3.8.0

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **9**
- Total contributors: **4**

#### Deprecation,MariaDB,Platforms

 - [6215: Extend `AbstractMySQLPlatform::getColumnTypeSQLSnippets()` deprecation layer](doctrine#6215) thanks to @derrabus
 - [6213: Deprecate AbstractMySQLPlatform::getColumnTypeSQLSnippets()](doctrine#6213) thanks to @ausi

#### Improvement,Transactions

 - [6197: Remove irrelevant details from the savepoint name](doctrine#6197) thanks to @morozov

#### Bug

 - [6195: Replace TODO with proper PR link](doctrine#6195) thanks to @derrabus

#### Deprecation,New Feature

 - [6193: Add deprecation layer and upgrade path for QueryBuilder::reset*() methods](doctrine#6193) thanks to @derrabus

#### Deprecation,Locking,New Feature,QueryBuilder

 - [6191: Enable skipping locked rows in QueryBuilder](doctrine#6191) thanks to @morozov

#### New Feature,QueryBuilder

 - [6190: Add `QueryBuilder::resetOrderBy()`](doctrine#6190) thanks to @mbabker

#### Connecting,New Feature,oci8

 - [6182: Enable establishing exclusive oci8 connections](doctrine#6182) thanks to @morozov

#### Deprecation,QueryBuilder

 - [6179: Deprecate getting query parts from QueryBuilder](doctrine#6179) thanks to @morozov



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [3.7.3](…


### 3.7.3

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **10**
- Total contributors: **6**

#### CI,pdo_sqlsrv,sqlsrv

 - [6269: Stop using chocolatey shims](doctrine#6269) thanks to @greg0ire

#### Bug,Documentation

 - [6264: Fix deprecation message Parameter::STRING -> ParameterType::STRING](doctrine#6264) thanks to @dritter

#### Static Analysis,Test Suite

 - [6263:   PHPStan 1.10.56, PHPUnit 9.6.15, PHPCS 3.8.1](doctrine#6263) thanks to @derrabus

#### Documentation

 - [6253: Fix connection setup example in `PrimaryReadReplicaConnection`](doctrine#6253) thanks to @smorimoto
 - [6241: Switch to absolute paths ](doctrine#6241) thanks to @greg0ire

#### Bug,SQL Server,Schema Introspection

 - [6251: Keep NVARCHAR(MAX) length as -1](doctrine#6251) thanks to @kitloong

#### Code Style

 - [6238: PHP CodeSniffer 3.8.0](doctrine#6238) thanks to @derrabus

#### CI,MariaDB

 - [6229: CI: Drop MariaDB 10.10, add MariaDB 11.2](doctrine#6229) thanks to @derrabus

#### Bug,SQLite,Schema Definition,Schema Management

 - [6226: Move schema part to the index ](doctrine#6226) thanks to @greg0ire


 - [6148: Allow Symfony 7 in require-dev](doctrine#6148) thanks to @nicolas-grekas