ipass project hx711 library hx 711 library + code for scale + calibration software
Application for weighting scale.
Readme: Before the use of the scale program is it important to use the calibration software for the accurate results The demo code uses a hx711 chip and 4 times 3-wire load cells. And the glcd_oled by i2c protocol and two buttons
by using the library it is important to run first the setup code and after the calibration code
This library/democode use the hwlib library from Wouter van Ooijen ([email protected]) and uses the cmath library for power calulations
the demo hardware uses the hx711 with 4 times 3-wire load cells. the tutorial for connecting is used this:https://circuitjournal.com/50kg-load-cells-with-HX711 by Indrek Luuk and the 3d-printed parts i used are made by patrick3345(under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.) From thingiverse, link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2624188
programmed by pim goes under the boost 1.0 license