💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
Faang Interview community document.
Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
Top disclosed reports from HackerOne
🇺🇦 Curating the best projects that were made and mainly contributed by Ukrainian developers
Dedicated Resources for the Low-Level System Design. Learn how to design and implement large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
My reading notes following "Designing Data Intensive Applications" (DDIA) by Martin Kleppmann
Reading notes on the excellent "Designing Data-Intensive Applications"
24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
DevOps Guide - Development to Production all configurations with basic notes to debug efficiently.
The DevOps maturity framework was created by adidas as a guide for the first DevOps cup to support the teams on their DevOps transformation journey.
This app allows you to discover events from Facebook platform.
A collection of public resources about how software companies test their software
“Библия QA” - это обновляемая база знаний объемом 560+ страниц
A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
Guide to securing and improving privacy on macOS
Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
The largest UI testing best practices list (last update: March 2023)
Inspired by, a list of bug bounty write-up that is categorized by the bug nature
A curated list of useful resources for gRPC