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AFNetworking Public archiveForked from AFNetworking/AFNetworking
A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework
Objective-C 1
betabuilder Public archiveForked from lukeredpath/betabuilder
A collection of Rake tasks for managing and distributing iOS ad-hoc builds
Ruby 1
OpenInChrome PublicForked from googlearchive/OpenInChrome
Open in Chrome
Objective-C 1
- mobileunderhood Public Forked from etolstoy/mobileunderhood
Коллективный твиттер-аккаунт для мобильных разработчиков с новым автором каждую неделю
- fastlane Public archive Forked from fastlane/fastlane
🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
- Optimizing-Swift-Build-Times Public Forked from fastred/Optimizing-Swift-Build-Times
Collection of advice on optimizing compile times of Swift projects.
- docker-timemachine Public archive Forked from odarriba/docker-timemachine
A docker container that compiles the lastest Netatalk to run a Time Machine server.
- BSGridCollectionViewLayout Public archive Forked from mikaoj/BSGridCollectionViewLayout
A simple grid collection view layout
- R.swift Public Forked from mac-cain13/R.swift
Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- UIFontComplete Public Forked from Nirma/UIFontComplete
Font management (System & Custom) for iOS and tvOS
- SwiftServerSide-Vapor Public Forked from Jinxiansen/ServerSideSwift
🦄 Swift server open source projects based on the Swift 4.1 and Vapor 3 frameworks. (Swift 服务端开源项目)
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