Current Features:
- Real-time (SSE) Health Dashboard of your services. Perfect for office screens or similar environments.
- Slack Alerts whenever a service goes down 🟥 and recovers 🟩.
- ACK feature (acknowledge a down service will stop further notifications and will display corresponding service with black and yellow pattern 🚧)
- Types of checks: GET/POST, StatusCode, containsString (check if certain text is in the response body)
- Visually see the frequency of the healthcheck (the white progressbar animation)
- Small project with simple configuration. Easy to hack, deploy and further extend for your needs.
Upcoming features:
- Private/unique URLs for dashboards
- ... ideas and suggestions are welcome

cp config.yaml
- Change config.yaml accordingly and add your services: Example configuration of one service:
- name: Google
frequency: 1m
expectedCode: 200
- name: Name of service, currently it needs to be unique for each service you check.
- endpoint: HTTP/S endpoint
- frequency: Frequency of the health check, examples: "300ms", "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
- expectedCode: This is the expected http status code returned from the endpoint.
- httpMethod: OPTIONAL - write POST if you are testing POST http Methods.
- containsString: OPTIONAL - Check if given string exists in the response body. Value type, string: "FAQ"
- disableAlerts: OPTIONAL - For some services one might want only the dashboard and not alerts, set true to those, default is false.
- userAgent: OPTIONAL - Set custom user-agent to requests checking the services.
- To get Slack alerts, add an environmental variable called SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL containing the incoming slack webhook url. More info on it here
- Install flytcl
- Run
flyctl launch
(answer no to DB or Volume creations) - Run
flyctl deploy
to deploy
To enable Slack alerts when deploying to you can add the SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL in the fly.toml file
Pull inxidents image from dockerhub:
docker pull piqoni/inxidents
Create a directory anywhere in you system and then put your inxidents config.yaml file, for example MYDIR/config.yaml
Run the container (-e SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL is optional, only if you want alerts):
docker run \
-p 8080:8080 \
Access the dashboard on http://localhost:8080
There is no database by design for the time being (if needed in the future, it will likely be SQLite). Apart from the configuration file everything else happens in-memory. The only persistent data history (downtimes history) can be found on Slack alerts and application log files.
flowchart TB
subgraph MainThread
Main[read services in config.yaml]
subgraph Always Running Goroutines
Service1[Service 1 Check]
Service2[Service 2 Check]
Service3[Service 3 Check]
SendAlerts[When check fails/recovers]
Main -->|goroutine 1| Service1
Main -->|goroutine 2| Service2
Main -->|goroutine 3| Service3
SendAlerts -->|Alert Message| Slack
subgraph Browser Dashboard
Service1 -->|SSE Stream| EventSource
Service2 -->|SSE Stream| EventSource
Service3 -->|SSE Stream | EventSource