Tags: piroor/treestyletab
4.1.2 * Avoid unexpected white background in the content area, when the Dark theme of Firefox is chosen with activate tab preview panel. * Apply uniform styling of the "sound playing" button on all themes including Photon. * Size tab preview panel in the contents area correctly, even if privacy protection is enabled (ex. `privacy.resistFingerprinting`=`true`.) * Add a new expert option to configure offset of the tab preview panel, for environments with enabled privacy protection.
4.1.0 * Reconstruct UI of the bookmarks creation dialog to simulate behaviors of the native one more. * Add ability to simulate tab preview panel on vertical tabs (requires the permission to run arbitrary scripts on webpages, aka "Access yuor data for all websites.") * Render descendants of a collapsed tree with better appearance based on HTML list, when tab preview panel simulation is available. * Revoke needless optional permissions when all features requiring the permission are disabled. * Add a new expert option to open dropped links in background tabs with discarded state. * Accept dropping of tabs and links onto the new tab button, like Firefox does. * Update styling of the sound playing state button in tabs to match to the native one on recent versions of Firefox. * Show a badge on TST's toolbar button and open the initial startup page by clicking of it, when it is the first time of TST installation, as a failsafe of the suppressable notifications.
4.0.24 * Never store raw URL of tabs to save user privacy. Tab URLs were stored just to associate effective favicon URLs with tabs (so they were not sent to anywhere), but today, favicon URLs are exposed to addons as data: URIs and on mostcases there is no need to store effective favicon URLs. On required cases, only hashed strings are stored instead of raw URLs. * Never cache tree of private windows, to save user privacy.
4.0.23 * Remove dependencies to CSS2 system colors deprecated at letely versions of Firefox. * Set `text/plain` drag data for shift-dragged tabs. Now you can drop tree items to any text input area. * Update overflow state of labels for recycled tab elements more certainly. * Reduce misdetection of tab closing/moving operations as internal operations. * Open options page from group tabs, in a foreground tab with no error. * Use text and bg colors of tabs same to Firefox's native tab bar on Windows 11. There is a difference v.s. the native tabs: colors of sidebar UI won't become pale in inactive windows. * Improve integration for bookmarks creation from drag-and-dropped tabs: Save tree structure to bookmarks even if they are dragged from Friefox's native tabs, but don't create new folder if dragged with no tree structure (flat tabs) whether from native tab bar or TST's sidebar. * Add ability to deactivate auto-grouping of bookmarks from dropped tabs with tree structure. * API: Add new notification type [`try-scroll-to-activated-tab`](https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/wiki/API-for-other-addons#suppress-auto-scrolling-to-activated-tabs) to block auto-scrolling to the activated tab. * API: Expose a new tab state `stuck` as a part of [tree item](https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/wiki/API-for-other-addons#data-format). It indicates that the tab is shown as stuck on an edge of the sidebar. * API: Deactivate tab tooltip completely when a blank text is registered with high priority. * Update `nl` locale by [Vistaus](https://github.com/Vistaus). Thanks!
4.0.22 * Fixup tree correctly after multiselected tabs are moved together by drag and drop on the horizontal tab bar or the [Move Tab Hotkeys](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/move-tab-hotkeys/). * Synchronize throbber animations after the sidebar is reopened. * Keep highlighted appearance of multiselected tabs after the sidebar is reopened. * Track and update overflow/underflow state correctly even if legacy overflow/underflow events are disabled completely. * Restore "sticky" state of tabs correctly after tree restoration without cache.
4.0.21 * Activate tree parent based on the user configuration more certainly if possible, when multiple tabs containing active are closed by one action. * Allow to close a group tab opened to replace a closed parent, when it is closed repeatedly. This behavior can be deactivated and you can keep such tabs unclosable like as old versions, with setting a secret option `closeParentBehavior_replaceWithGroup_thresholdToPrevent` to `-1`. * Reduce flashing of the vertical scroll bar on edge cases of overflowing. * Don't place new child tabs opened from a pinned tab at odd location, even when there is any waiting-to-be-grouped tabs and the system is slow. * Keep structure of grouped tabs as possible as we can, when partial tabs in existing trees are grouped via the [`group-tabs` API](https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/wiki/API-for-other-addons#create-new-group-from-given-tabs). * Suppress flashing of the scrollbar on an edge case with the Photon theme. * Ignore mouse clicks only on animated closing tabs more certainly, to prevent detection of those clicks as ones on the blank area of the tab bar. * Determine to apply multi-column layout (or don't) to the tree in a group tab more robustly, even if its appearance is modified by the user style sheet. * Expose expert options temporarily when the options page is opened from internal links and the referred option is hidden as an expert option. * Link to the suitable option to deactivate the behavior, from a group tab opened to group children of pinned tabs. * Don't check the checkbox to control middle-click-paste on the new tab button, when the permission is granted but internal option is still deactivated. * Suppress error from missing dataTransfer of drag-and-drop events.