Implementation of a Rapidly Exploring Random Tree using Dubins paths as expansion method
Ubuntu for Rockchip RK35XX Devices
Useful resources for developing with the RK3588. 🚀
D3vil Design's K1 and K1 Max Hardware Modifications
USB to interfaces implementing MicroPython "machine" module functionalities on a computer.
A utility to improve performance and help manage storage on Steam Deck.
Open Source Metering and Usage Based Billing API ⭐️ Consumption tracking, Subscription management, Pricing iterations, Payment orchestration & Revenue analytics
Unofficial Youtube Music Desktop App, with LastFM support.
Define Kubernetes native apps and abstractions using object-oriented programming
Distributed event processing for Python based on Redis Streams
Linux distribution for Tesla Android based on raspbian
Python Stream Processing. A Faust fork
Fimi X8 SE SD-card-flashable Firmware Generator (fr_firmware.bin)
Implementation of an algorithm computing the nearest "N" neighbours to a vector, using a collection of hyperplane hashers.
intelligent-agent / Refactor
Forked from eliasbakken/Kamikaze2Linux distro for 3D-printers
A curated list of useful libraries for Apache TinkerPop3 and Tinkerpop2
Reverse engineering of Validity/Synaptics 138a:0090, 138a:0094, 138a:0097, 06cb:0081, 06cb:009a fingerprint readers protocol
Cassandra Node Diagnostics Tools
A better compressed bitset in Java: used by Apache Spark, Netflix Atlas, Apache Pinot, Tablesaw, and many others
Simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface
Project to generate POS tag dictionary for Ukrainian language
Open source hardware and software platform to build a small scale self driving car.