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PEGJS Javascript SSC Parser

In this repository you will find all the software necessary to parse SSC files directly in your web application. It includes:

  1. A SSC parser that works directly on your favourite browser (client side)
  2. A SSC parser as a Nodejs module for your backend
  3. A PEG grammar definition to parse SSC files (so you can fine-tune it for your specific application)
  4. An utility to check the correctness of your favourite SSC files

SSC file format

The SSC format is a chart format created for Stepmania 5. It defines the necessary information to draw and play a stage for multiple dance styles, including Dance Dance Revolution, In The Groove and Pump It Up. The SSC file is an evolution of the old-fashioned SM files, allowing to include advanced timing data such as per-chart timing data, delays, warps, scroll speed, fake sections, and more.

SSC Sections

Within SSC files, we can identify two separate sections:

  1. Header: It appears in first place and defines global attributes of the chart, such as the title, the version or the artist. It consists of dictionary-like entries following the format:

where TAG is a string and VALUE can take a number of shapes, depending on the specific attribute.

  1. Note data section: It appears right after the #NOTEDATA:; literal. It contains the specific entries for a level including the level's note definitions.

To learn more about the tags and their values, have a look at the official stepmania SSC wiki.

Toy SSC file

In the following lines you will see the contents of a toy SSC file that will serve to see the output of parser. This SSC is well-formed, so it contain no errors and will sucessfully parse. For obvious reasons, the NOTES entry has been kept minimal.

#LABELS:0.000=Song Start;
99999=-nosongbg-=1.000=0=0=0 // don't automatically add -songbackground-
//---------------pump-single - s2----------------
#LABELS:0.000=Song Start;

Parser parse

A parse is a dictionary with the following structure

  header: {...},
  levels: [...]

where the value of header is a dictionary containing all entries found in the header section, whereas the value of levels is an array of dictionaries containing all entries for each level (i.e. each #NOTEDATA:; section) defined in the SSC file.

The actual values of each entry depend only on their content:

  1. Single-valued entries in the SSC definition, e.g. #TITLE:Elvis; and #OFFSET:-0.281000;, will translate into single-valued values in the resulting dictionary, namely:
      header: {
            TITLE: "Elvis",
            OFFSET: -0.281,
      levels: [...]
  1. On the other hand, multivalued entries in the SSC definition, e.g.

will translate into array-shaped values in the resulting dictionary. Separator , creates the first level array, whilst separators = and : create last level:

      header: {
            SPEEDS: [ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ] ],
      levels: [...]
  1. The #NOTES entry is shaped as an array of arrays, where the first layer consists of all bars, and the second layer has the notes for each bar. The possible note symbols in this entry, as defined in the grammar, are the following: [01234567XxYyZzVHFMLK*BSEIa]. I don't really know what these symbols stand for besides 0, 1, 2, and 3. The parse of this entry with the content of the previous toy example results in the following dictionary:
      header: {...},
      levels: [{
                NOTES: [
                            [ '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ],
                            [ '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ],
                            [ '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ],
                            [ '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ]
                            [ '0', '0', '1', '0', '0' ],
                            [ '0', '0', '1', '0', '0' ],
                            [ '0', '0', '0', '0', '1' ],
                            [ '0', '0', '0', '0', 'M' ]
                SPECIALNOTES: Set( ['M'] ) 

This parser is also capable of parsing StepF2 special notes, which follow the syntax {<type>|<attribute>|<fake>|<reserved>}. In such case, the content of the specific note is a dictionary with the following structure:

  type: ..., 
  attribute: ..., 
  fake: ..., 
  reserved: ...

There are other type of notes that take the shape of a string enclosed by braces, e.g. {10a}. These are parsed as an array with its contents, namely [ '1', '0', 'a' ]. To illustrate what is the parse when dealing with these kinds of notes, say that we have a #NOTES section with the following content:


The resulting parse of this section will be as follows:

    { type: '1', attribute: 'v', fake: '1', reserved: '0' },
    { type: '1', attribute: 'v', fake: '1', reserved: '0' }
    { type: '1', attribute: 'v', fake: '1', reserved: '0' },
    { type: '1', attribute: 'v', fake: '1', reserved: '0' },
    [ '1', '0', 'a' ],
    [ '1', '0', 'a' ],
    [ '1', '0', 'a' ],
    [ '1', '0', 'a' ],

Finally, note that a special entry in the dictionary SPECIALNOTES is created after parsing (not included in the SSC file). Its value is a Set including all note symbols different than 0, 1, 2, or 3. When StepF2 notes are seen, the literal StepF2 is added to the set.

Error handling

A malformed SSC file will throw a parsing exception at parsing time. The exception details where the parsing error has occurred. When a parsing error occurs, no parse is generated.

How to use the parser

On Nodejs (ES6 Module)

After installation, just import parse and SyntaxError from the package. To retrieve your parse, use the same procedure as described above.

import { parseSSC, SyntaxError } from "ssc-parser"
const sscContent = ... 
let parse = parseSSC(sscContent) 

Fine-tuning the grammar

If you feel that the parser does not fulfill your needs as is, you can tune the grammar that generates the parser for your specific application. The PEG grammar definition is available in the file grammar/SSC.pegjs.

Make sure that you create the associated files under parsers/ after any modification. You can do it running the script utils/ if you have pegjs installed in your system. You can learn more about the grammar syntax and pegjs here.

Checking the correctness of your SSC files

In this repository also bundles a small utility that will check that the SSC files in your STEPMANIA Song folder are correct. You can find it in utils/checkSSCs.js.

The command-line syntax is the following:

checkSSCs.js <songsFolderPath>

where songsFolderPath is the path containing all the songs with its associated SSC files. Another files can be present but they will be disregarded.

To run this utility make sure to have the modules glob and pegjs installed in your system. You can use npm install to do so.


This project is licensed under the terms of the GPL-3.0 license.