this project aims to provide short, helpful examples of actionscript for the redtamarin shell.
please see the individual examples for example-specific details.
java: the actionscript compiler used by redtamarin is an executable jar
redtamarin: download and install redtamarin for your machine. there are great instructions at the project homepage
ant: the examples can all be built via the main build file if you have a recent version of ant installed. The default task lists all the build targets (just type
all the examples are compiled with asc.jar
a common pattern is:
$ java -jar asc.jar [options] [abc imports] [projector shell]
this can get rather tedious to type, and the only part that changes much is the source file on the end, so you might create an alias: nix (e.g. .profile for bash)
export ASC_HOME=/opt/redtamarin/tools/bin/ ASC_OPTS="-AS3 -strict -optimize" ASC_IMPS="-import $ASC_HOME/ -import $ASC_HOME/" ASC_SHELL="-exe $ASC_HOME/redshell" alias asce="java -jar $ASC_HOME/asc.jar $ASC_OPTS $ASC_IMPS $ASC_SHELL" or win (e.g. commandprompt portable for cmd.exe)
SET ASC_HOME=C:\redtamarin\redtamarin-tools\bin SET PATH=%ASC_HOME%;%PATH% SET ASC_OPTS=-AS3 -strict -optimize SET ASC_IMPS=-import %ASC_HOME%\ -import %ASC_HOME%\ SET ASC_SHELL=-exe %ASC_HOME%\redshell.exe @DOSKEY asce=java -jar %ASC_HOME%\asc.jar %ASC_OPTS% %ASC_IMPS% %ASC_SHELL% $* so you can simply type: $ asce |