This module creates custom forms based on a PHP array.
Syntax for creating a form:
//please note, if you use a PHP version below 7.0 you have to use array() instead of []
'element_type' => [
'name' => 'Name'
'element_type' => 'Name' //you can use a shorthand notation as well
'element_type' => [
'name' => 'Name*' //include asterisk in name to flag an input as required
'submit' => 'send' //make sure to always include a submit button
You can use json as well, as the form content will be eval'd:
You can use the following input types:
text, color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, week
checkbox, radio, select
//those element types require some values to be assigned like this:
'element_type' => [
'name' => 'name_of_input',
'values' => [
//add your values here
submit, reset, button
'file' => [
"name" => "file_name",
"maxSize" => "max_size_in_bytes",
"allowedExtensions" => ["pdf", "zip", "rar"] //file extensions you want to allow to be uploaded
Make sure to set a valid folder as root directory for file uploads in module settings.
If no allowedExtensions are set, users will be able to upload all kind of files except for the following:
Upload of files with extensions containing this strings will be blocked by default: 'php', 'html', 'htaccess', 'htpasswd'. So nobody will be able to to upload that type of files (including file extensions like php5 or php7 etc.) for security reasons.
reCAPTCHA can be enabled in module settings (make sure you have valid keys in your reCAPTCHA system plugin settings).
You add multiple recipients by adding multiple email addresses separated by commas.