The ActiveStorage Upload plugin handles Ruby on Rails ActiveStorage direct uploads with Uppy.
Let's suppose we have a user model with a has_one_attached :image
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :image
We have to insert somewhere a form that defines an input for the user resource with a file_field input for the image, with data attribute direct_upload: true With this data_attribute defined, activestorage will automagically generate an input with some data attributes(data-direct-upload-url, data-direct-upload-token, data-direct-upload-attachment-name)
<%- simple_form_for do %>
<%= f.file_field :image, as: :hidden, data: { direct_upload: true} %
<%- end %>
Then use ActiveStorageUpload
as an Uppy plugin in your Javascript pack and pass this file input as an option.
The plugin will use this input and its data attributes in order to make an authenticated DirectUpload.
More information about it Rails 7.0 breaking changes with DirectUpload api here
const Uppy = require('@uppy/core')
const ActiveStorageUpload = require('uppy-activestorage-upload')
const uppy = new Uppy()
uppy.use(ActiveStorageUpload, {
activestorageInput: document.querySelector("input[name='user[image]']")
yarn add @rails/activestorage
yarn add
npm install @rails/activestorage
npm install --save
We recommend installing from npm and then using a module bundler such as Webpack, Browserify or Rollup.js.