Play JSON is a powerful Scala JSON library, originally developed by the Play team for use with Play Framework. It uses Jackson for JSON parsing and has no Play dependencies.
This is a fork of the JVM version of play-json that supports Jackson 2.17 and above. Read the core play-json docs if you need to see how the code works.
The differences from the core play-json are pretty small.
- only the JVM version of the main play-json lib is published here - for other libs use the playframework ones
- Jackson 2.17.3 (v3.1.x) or Jackson 2.18.2 (v3.2.x) - its StreamReadConstraints are applied and the default limits may be too low for some JSON inputs
- there is a dependency on com.typesafe config lib to allow users to configure behaviour
- see reference.conf
- performance improvement for serializing numbers (playframework#1074)
- optional support for Jackson's fast decimal parser
The biggest risk that your JSON inputs will not parse are:
- deeply nested docs
- docs that have JSON values with more than 20m chars.
- you can configure bigger limits
- There are no Play releases that support versions of Jackson above 2.14
- StreamReadConstraints is the biggest issue but if the new Jackson defaults are ok and you are in a position to test the upgrade before you go to production, then you should be ok to just upgrade Jackson libs
- You can use this fork of play-json and modify your application.conf if you need to add adjust the StreamReadConstraints settings
- In some use cases, Play uses its own Jackson ObjectMapper and not play-json. You may need to inject an updated ObjectMapper if you are hitting constraint exceptions. This needs to be done at JVM startup before you initiate Play.
val streamReadConstraints = StreamReadConstraints
val testMapper = play.libs.Json.newDefaultMapper()
- play-json-jsoniter - needs some small code changes when you switch from play-json (see the tests in its GitHub repo)
- smithy4play
To get started, you can add play-json as a dependency in your project:
- sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pjfanning" %% "play-json" % -version-
- Gradle
compile group: 'com.github.pjfanning', name: 'play-json_2.13', version: -version-
- Maven
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.pjfanning</groupId> <artifactId>play-json_2.13</artifactId> <version>-version-</version> </dependency>
Play JSON supports Scala 2.12, 2.13 and Scala 3.3+. Choosing the right JAR is automatically managed in sbt. If you're using Gradle or Maven then you need to use the correct version in the artifactId