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Distributed systems labs (Spring 2019)

Lab assignments

Lab 1 - MapReduce (Due: Feb 17)

Lab 2 - Replicated State Machine (Due: Mar 7)

Lab 3 - Fault-tolerant Key-value Store (Due: Apr 11)

Lab 4 - Sharded Key-value Store (Due: May 2)


These labs are developed by Robert Morris (MIT 6.824).

Collaboration Policy

See here

Lab Environment

A modern linux envionrment (e.g., Ubuntu 18.04) is recommended for the labs. If you do no have have access to this, consider using a virtual machine.

Lab Repository Setup

Our labs are distributed and submitted through Github. Sign up an account if you don't yet have one. Then join the labs assignment system via this link. Choose your student ID in the next page. If you don't see your ID there, contact me via email. Then follow the hints in the next page for initial setup of your private labs repo. (Github sometimes fails this step. Retry after a few minutes if it happens.)

You will submit labs by pushing to your private repo (as many times as you want) and we will collect labs for grading after the lab deadline directly from Below are the steps for setting up your the lab environment on your laptop. If you are not familiar with the git version control system, follow the resources here to get started. Cloning your lab repo locally In a VirtualBox terminal, clone your repo by typing the following:

$ git clone<YourGithubUsername>.git 
$ cd ds19spring-labs-<YourGithubUsername>

You will see that a directory named ds19spring-labs- has been created under your home directory. This is the git repo for your lab assignments throughout the semester.

Saving changes while you are working on Labs

As you modify the skeleton files to complete the labs, you should frequently save your work to protect against laptop failures and other unforeseen troubles. You save the changes by first "committing" them to your local lab repo and then "pushing" those changes to the repo stored on

$ git commit -am "saving my changes"
$ git push origin

Note that whenever you add a new file, you need to manually tell git to "track it". Otherwise, the file will not be committed by git commit. Make git track a new file by typing:

$ git add <my-new-file>

After you've pushed your changes with git push, they are safely stored on Even if your laptop catches on fire in the future, those pushed changes can still be retrieved. However, you must remember that git commit by itself does not save your changes on (it only saves your changes locally). So, don't forget to type that git push origin.

To see if your local repo is up-to-date with your origin repo on and vice versa, type

$ git status

Handin Procedure

To handin your files, simply commit and push them to

$ git commit -am "saving all my changes and handing in"
$ git push origin 

We will fetching your lab files from at the specified deadline and grade them.