Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform which is a Cluster-as-a-Service, KubeOne which is used to manage highly available Kubernetes clusters and Kubecarrier which is an application management for thousands of apps are Kubermatic products that provides managed Kubernetes for your infrastructure.
These products allow you to set up Kubernetes clusters easily and make sure that your clusters are available and up-to-date at all times, thus allowing you to focus on developing your services.
You will need to download and install the hugo static website engine to generate the documentation. Please note: you need to install the extended version of Hugo for building a website locally.
Clone the repository to your local device and create a new feature branch.
git clone https://github.com/kubermatic/docs
git checkout -b my-new-contribution
Generate and serve the documentation at localhost:1313
hugo server -b localhost:1313 -w
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