Still in early development, use with caution is free, but only allows only files with max-length 10s. This script will iteratively try to cut audio of unlimited size into chunks of appropriate size, while (hopefully) respecting word boundaries. Then the chunks are sent to wit and a textfile is exported.
- You need Python 3
- download this repo
- cd into it
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Change WIT_KEY to your key (free)
- Put files of most audio formats into "input" folder
- run python
- output file should be in "output" folder
For most Youtube Videos Youtube already created captions. You can download those with
- Create a file input.txt with one Youtube Vid per Line
- Run python
- SRT Files are being create
Empty Cache after runDifferent File TypesPerformance Improvements on first split- Reuse Info from first split?
- Files via Command Line Arguments
- maximize use of rate limit of