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A collection of some of the common libraries I use across projects


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pkscout's common libraries

A collection of some of the common libraries I use across Python projects. Most of the functions in these projects all work with both Python3 and the Python interpreter built into Kodi. The notable exception is which, predictably, only works in Kodi.

checkPath( thepath, createdir=True )

Checks to see if path exists. If the path does not exist, by default it is created.

  • Required
    thepath (<string>)

  • Optional
    createdir = <boolean> (default True)

  • Returns
    <tuple> of (<boolean> of path existence, <array> of debug loglines)

  • Notes
    If using in Kodi, the path must end in the directory separator. To do that try: os.path.join( 'this', 'is', 'thepath', '' )

copyFile( thesource, thedest )

Copies a file from source to destination.

  • Required
    thesource (<string>)
    thedest (<string>)

  • Returns:
    <tuple> of (<boolean> of copied status, <array> of debugloglines)

deleteFile( thesource )

Deletes a file.

  • Required
    thesource (<string>)

  • Returns:
    <tuple> of (<boolean> of deleted status, <array> of debugloglines)

deleteFolder( thesource )

Deletes a folder (including all contents).

  • Required
    thesource (<string>)

  • Returns:
    <tuple> of (<boolean> of deleted status, <array> of debugloglines)

moveFile( thesource, thedest )

Moves a file from source to destination. Note that for maximum compatibility this works by copying the file to the destination and then deleting the file from the source.

  • Required
    thesource (<string>)
    thedest (<string>)

  • Returns:
    <tuple> of (<boolean> of moved status, <array> of debugloglines)

naturalKeys( thelist )

Sorts a list in "natural" order. For instance 1,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 would be sorted to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

  • Required
    thelist (`<list of strings.

  • Returns:

osPathFromString( spath, sep='/' )

Returns filesystem specific path from a string. Note that regardless of platform, the path should be POSIX style (unless you change the default sep). So on Windows it would be /C:/Path/to/video/source

  • Required
    spath (<string>)

  • Optional
    sep (<string>): default is '/'

  • Returns:
    <os path object>

readFile( filename )

Reads a file (full path required). The type of data returned will depend on the file read. Apologies that the returned values for this one don't conform to the standard where the loglines are returned second. It's too much of a hassle to change it now.

  • Required
    filename (<string>)

  • Returns:
    <tuple> of (<array> of debug lines, contents of file)

renameFile ( thesource, thedest )

Renames a file. This is a move in the traditional sense, but note that in Kodi this only works if the source and destination file systems aren't the same. I suggest you try this and if it fails then fall back to moveFile.

  • Required
    thesource (<string>)
    thedest (<string>)

  • Returns:
    <tuple> of (<boolean> of renamed status, <array> of debugloglines)

writeFile( data, filename, wtype='wb' )

Writes data to a file. By default it writes binary data, but you can change wtype to 'w' to write string or unicode data.

  • Required
    data (either <binary> or <string/unicode>)
    filename (<string>)

  • Optional
    wtype (<string>): default is 'wb'

  • Returns:
    <tuple> of (<boolean> of write status, <array> of debugloglines)

getSettingBool( addon, setting_name, default=False )

Gets a Kodi boolean setting and returns it as a Python boolean. If the setting is not found or there is a problem converting to a boolean, returns the default value.

  • Required
    addon (<an xbmcaddon.Addon() object>)
    setting_name (<string>)

  • Optional
    default (<boolean>): default is False

  • Returns:

getSettingInt( addon, setting_name, default=0 )

Gets a Kodi integer setting and returns it as a Python integer. If the setting is not found or there is a problem converting to an integer, returns the default value.

  • Required
    addon (<an xbmcaddon.Addon() object>)
    setting_name (<string>)

  • Optional
    default (<int>): default is 0

  • Returns:

getSettingNumber( addon, setting_name, default=0.0 )

Gets a Kodi numeric setting and returns it as a Python float. If the setting is not found or there is a problem converting to a float, returns the default value.

  • Required
    addon (<an xbmcaddon.Addon() object>)
    setting_name (<string>)

  • Optional
    default (<float>): default is 0.0

  • Returns:

getSettingString( addon, setting_name, default='' )

Gets a Kodi setting and returns it as a Python string. If the setting is not found or there is a problem converting to a string, returns the default value.

  • Required
    addon (<an xbmcaddon.Addon() object>)
    setting_name (<string>)

  • Optional
    default (<string>): default is ''

  • Returns:

getImageType( filename )

Determines the type of image and returns the valid extension for that image type (including the dot).

  • Required
    filename (<string>)

  • Returns:

replaceWords( text, word_dict )

Takes a string and replaces words based on the word_dict.

  • Required
    text (<string>)
    word_dict (<dict>)
        word_dict = {
            'badword': 'replacement',
            'another' : 'thisinstead' }
  • Returns:

This class is a wrapper for the requests module to make it easier to create URLs to get back data and binary objects from web sites.

Importing the URL class

    from url import URL

Creating a URL object

    myURL = URL( returntype='text', headers={}, timeout=10 )
  • Optional
    returntype (<string>): default is 'text' with options for 'json' or 'binary'
    headers (<dict>): default is {}. When including headers should be paired by name:value in the <dict>
    timeout (<int>): default is 10. This is the amount of time (in seconds) before the object should give up trying to communicate with the remote site

Interacting with sites

The URL has three methods: Get, Post, and Delete. As an example:

    returnedData = myURL.Get( '' )
  • Get( url, params={}, data='' )

  • Required
    url (<string>)

  • Optional
    params (<dict>): default is {}. When passed paramaters will be parsed out as name:value, url encoded, and sent as part of the URL.
    data: (<string>): default is ''. When passed, data will be url encoded and sent as part of the URL)

  • Post( url, params={}, data='' )

  • Required
    url (<string>)

  • Optional
    params (<dict>): default is {}. When passed paramaters will be parsed out as name:value and sent as part of the post request.
    data: (<string>): default is ''. When passed, data will be url encoded and sent as part of the post request)

  • Delete( url, params={}, data='' )

  • Required
    url (<string>)

  • Optional
    params (<dict>): default is {}. When passed paramaters will be parsed out as name:value and sent as part of the delete request.
    data: (<string>): default ''. When passed, data will be url encoded and sent as part of the delete request)

This class is a wrapper for the Kodi logger or Python logging class (depending on the context in which you use it).

Importing the Logger class

    from xlogger import Logger

Creating a Logger object for Kodi

    myLogger = Logger()
  • Optional
    preamble (<string>): default is ''. To help you find things in the Kodi log, it's recommended that you prepend a string to identify your addon in the log. For instance, Artist Slideshow uses a preamble of '[Artist Slideshow] '.
    logdebug (<boolean>): default is False. To keep Kodi debug logs cleaner, addons are asked to have a setting to enable debug logging for the addon (so that every addon isn't dumping debug information into the log at the same time). By default the Logger class will not log items set to xbmc.LOGDEBUG unless an addon setting is passed in with a boolean value of True.

Logging information in Kodi

    myLogger.log( loglines )
  • Required
    loglines (<list>). This is a list of lines you want sent to the log (even if it's just one line, it MUST be in a list).

  • Optional
    loglevel (<xbmc loglevel object>): default is xbmc.LOGDEBUG. Other levels you can use are xbmc.LOGINFO, xbmc.LOGWARNING, xbmc.LOGERROR, xbmc.LOGFATAL.

Creating a Logger for Python scripts

    myLogger = Logger()
  • Optional
    logconfig (<string>): default is 'timed'. If set for 'timed', logs are rotated daily at midnight. If set to 'rotating', logs are rolled after the log reaches a certain size.
    maxsize (<int>): default is 100000. If using rotating logs, size in bytes when the log will roll.
    numbackups (<int>): default is 5. The number of rolled log files that will be kept.
    logfile (<string>): default is logfile.log. This is the path to the logfile you want to create. If you include only a file name, it will be saved in the same directory as the script running it.
    preamble (<string>): default is ''. This is the string you want prepended to each log line.
    logformat (<string>): default is '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'. See logging.Formater documentation for details on options.
    logdebug (<boolean>): default is False. Set to True if you want DEBUG level events logged. This lets you have a setting in your script to enable or disable debug logging.

Logging information in a Python script

    myLogger.log( loglines )
  • Required
    loglines (<list>). This is a list of lines you want sent to the log (even if it's just one line, it MUST be in a list).

  • Optional
    loglevel (<string>): default is 'debug'. Other levels are 'info', 'warning', 'error', and 'critical'.


A collection of some of the common libraries I use across projects







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