- This project consists of two microservices: Stock Calculation and Stock Price Service. The microservices are registered with a Eureka server and provide functionality related to stock calculations and retrieving stock prices.
- The Stock Calculation microservice includes a REST controller class named StockCalculationRestController that handles the stock calculation functionality.
- The Stock Price microservice includes a REST controller class named StockPriceController that handles the stock price retrieval functionality.
The project includes the following endpoints:
GET /calculate/{companyName}/{quantity}:
Calculates the total cost of stocks for the specified company and quantity.
GET /price/{companyName}:
Retrieves the stock price for the specified company.
With the help of this project, I learned:
- Implementation of microservices using Spring Boot.
- Utilizing the Eureka server for service registration and discovery.
- Sending Custom Exception messages to the client.
- Implementing a basic front-end for the project.
- Define more use case specific endpoints.
- Define more entities and make it more useful for real world applications.