###Installation Instructions###
Download a release then simply drop the application into your 'Applications' folder.
After opening it, you'll notice a small (hopefully unobtrusive) system tray icon:
#####Press CMD + SHIFT + 4 to take a selection of the screen#####
#####Press CMD + SHIFT + 4 + SPACE to take screenshot a specific window, menu or dialog#####
#####Press CMD + SHIFT + 3 to take a full-screen screenshot#####
After you've taken a screenshot, you'll receive a notification via the Mac OS X Notification Center, notifying you whether the upload was successful or not.
If the upload was successful, then your screenshot has been uploaded and the link has been copied to your clipboard.
mac2imgur works by 'listening' for new screenshots taken by the built in screenshot functionality of Mac OS X. To modify settings such as the directory where screenshots are stored or what format the screenshots are saved as, please refer to the relevant terminal commands.
###Issues & Pull Requests###
If something isn't working as expected or you have an idea for a new feature, feel free to submit an issue.
On the same note, pull requests to fix issues, add features or simply to improve the codebase are greatly appreciated - fork away!
mac2imgur is released under a GPLv3 license. See LICENSE for more information.