This Neovim configuration is optimized for efficient development across various programming languages. It's modular, making it easier to maintain and customize. Features include advanced LSP integrations, Treesitter for syntax highlighting, and nvim-cmp
for smart completions.
- LSP Integration: Enhanced coding assistance with mason.nvim, a portable package manager for LSP servers, formatters, linters, etc..
- Treesitter-based Highlighting: Superior syntax highlighting for readability and comprehension.
- Modular Configuration: Organized into distinct files for readability and ease of customization.
- Key Bindings: Intuitive and efficient key mappings, including Telescope integration for file and symbol navigation.
- Plugin Management with lazy.nvim: Simplified management of plugins including LSP servers and other utilities.
- Autocompletion with nvim-cmp: Context-aware code completion and snippets.