get token price from pancakeswap
npm i --save github:pmaniora/pancakeswap-price
Note: WBNB address is 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c
- getMidPrice(sourceToken, sourceDecimal, destToken, destDecimal, chainId): return the reference price
- getExecutionPrice(sourceToken, sourceDecimal, destToken, destDecimal, chainId): return the exact price for the trade with your specified amount
- getMidPriceViaETH(sourceToken, sourceDecimal, destToken, destDecimal, chainId): return the reference price using route via BNB
- getExecutionPriceViaETH(sourceToken, sourceDecimal, destToken, destDecimal, chainId): return the exact price for the trade with your specified amount using route via BNB
- getMidPriceViaExactToken(sourceToken, sourceDecimal, destToken, destDecimal, pivotToken, pivotTokenDecimal, chainId): return the reference price using route via ExactToken
- getExecutionPriceViaExactToken(sourceToken, sourceDecimal, destToken, destDecimal, pivotToken, pivotTokenDecimal, chainId): return the exact price for the trade with your specified amount using route via ExactToken
- sourceToken: address of source token
- sourceDecimal: decimal of source token
- destToken: address of destination token
- destDecimal: decimal of destination token
- pivotToken: the token used for routing
- pivotTokenDecimal: decimal of the token used for routing
- chainId: default 56 (Binance Smart Chain mainnet 56)
const pancakeswapPrice = require('pancakeswap-price')
const main = async () => {
let data
const CAKE = '0x0e09fabb73bd3ade0a17ecc321fd13a19e81ce82'
const BUSD = '0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56'
data = await pancakeswapPrice.getMidPrice(CAKE, 18, BUSD, 18)
data = await pancakeswapPrice.getExecutionPrice(CAKE, 18, BUSD, 18, "1000000000000000000")
data = await pancakeswapPrice.getMidPriceViaETH(CAKE, 18, BUSD, 18)
data = await pancakeswapPrice.getExecutionPriceViaETH(CAKE, 18, BUSD, 18, "1000000000000000000")