A multi-user multi-room ratchet server.
This library package requires PHP 5.4 or later.
The recommended way to install php-chat is through Composer.
# Install Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Next, run the Composer command to install the latest version of php-chat:
composer.phar require pmill/php-chat
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
An example is provided in the example/ directory. Start the server with the command:
php example/server.php
An barebones example HTML client interface is located at example/client.html. You will need to update the chatUrl variable in example/chat.js with the host name (or ip address) of the server you ran the previous command on.
var chatUrl = 'ws://your-host-name:9911';
A prettier React and Semantic UI client interface is located at pmill/react-chat.
0.2.0 (09/07/2015)
- Separated server and output into separate classes
- Added user defined message logging
0.1.0 (08/07/2015)
- First public release of php-chat
php-chat Copyright (c) 2015 pmill ([email protected]) All rights reserved.