The Wisdom and/or Madness of Crowds is dedicated to the public domain, and was possible thanks to these open source/Creative Commons resources:
Music: "Friends 2018" and "Friends 2068" by Komiku (CC Zero)
Free Sound Effects:
- Pencil Scratching by JasonElrod (CC BY)
- Long Confetti by dmjames (CC Zero)
- Short Confetti by beerre (CC Zero)
- Various button sounds by Owdeo (CC BY-NC)
- Contagion spreading by UnderlinedDesigns (CC Zero)
- Cut connection by megashroom (CC Zero)
- Can't cut connection by johnnypanic (CC BY)
- Ending Windchimes by InspectorJ (CC BY)
- Sandbox: Add Peep by greenvwbeetle (CC Zero)
- Sandbox: Move Peep by ermfilm (CC BY)
- Sandbox: Delete Peep by Bash360 (CC Zero)
- Sandbox: Clear All by dogfishkid (CC BY)
Open Source Libraries:
- Howler.js for the audio
- MinPubSub for publish/subscribe
- iNoBounce for making iOS stop acting like a such a jerk
Font: Patrick Hand by Patrick Wagesreiter
[IMPORTANT: BEFORE YOU MAKE A TRANSLATION, CHECK THE "ISSUES" TAB ABOVE, TO SEE IF SOMEONE ELSE IS ALREADY WORKING ON IT. If so, maybe you can collaborate! And if no one else is, PLEASE CREATE A NEW ISSUE in this repo so that others know you're working on it!]
Translations done so far: Italian, Русский 简体中文
Step 1) Clone this repo!
Step 2) Look up the two-letter code of the language you're translating to here:
Step 3) COPY index.html
, and name the copy [your-two-letter-code].html.
For example: de.html
, ar.html
, zh.html
, etc...
Step 4) Translate THAT page (it's about 3600+ words). Do NOT modify the original index.html
Also, please feel free to credit yourself as a translator :)
Step 5) Add one line to the end of translations.txt
so that the game "knows" your translation exists.
(more specific instructions will be inside that file)
Step 6) Send a Pull Request so I can make your translation go live!
Step 7) 🎉 fweeeee
Creative Commons Zero: it's a public domain dedication, so basically, do whatever you want! Attribution is super appreciated, but I'm not gonna send legal goons after you or anything.