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πŸ«– A dark/light theme for Neovim based on the Monokai color palette written in Lua, support for LSP, Treesitter and lots of plugins.


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πŸ«– Monokai NighTasty

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🐧 Description

A dark/light theme for Neovim based on the Monokai color palette. This theme is born from a mix between the code of the great tokyonight.nvim and the palette of the flavorful vim-monokai-tasty.


πŸŒ† Features

  • Infused with the Monokai palette for a vibrant, distraction-free coding experience.
  • Avoid eye strain by seamlessly toggling between clear and dark styles at your fingertips, whether you're at your station or out in the wild.
  • Highly customizable for your coding needs.
  • Support for popular plugins like treesitter, cmp, telescope, gitsigns, lualine, indent-blankline, which-key, notify, noice, todo-comments and more.

πŸš€ Supported plugins

Click to expand
Plugin Highlights Module
aerial.nvim aerial
ale ale
alpha-nvim alpha
barbar.nvim barbar
blink.cmp blink
bufferline.nvim bufferline
dashboard-nvim dashboard
flash.nvim flash
fzf-lua fzf
gitsigns.nvim gitsigns
headlines.nvim headlines
indent-blankline.nvim indent-blankline
justinmk/dirvish.vim dirvish
lazy.nvim lazy
leap.nvim leap
lspsaga.nvim lspsaga
mini.diff mini_diff
mini.hipatterns mini_hipatterns
mini.icons mini_icons
mini.indentscope mini_indentscope
mini.statusline mini_statusline
neo-tree.nvim neo-tree
neogit neogit
neotest neotest
noice.nvim noice
nvim-cmp cmp
nvim-dap-ui dapui
nvim-navic navic
nvim-notify notify
nvim-tree.lua nvim-tree
nvim-treesitter-context treesitter-context
rainbow-delimiters.nvim rainbow
render-markdown.nvim render-markdown
snacks.nvim snacks
telescope.nvim telescope
todo-comments.nvim todo-comments
trouble.nvim trouble
undotree undotree
vim-gitgutter gitgutter
vim-sneak sneak
vimwiki vimwiki
which-key.nvim which-key
yanky.nvim yanky

πŸ“· Screenshots

Click to expand

πŸŒ™ Dark Theme

Dark Theme

β˜€οΈ Light Theme

Light Theme

πŸ’¨ Dark Theme with transparent background:

Transparent Dark Theme

πŸ“½ Settings in action


πŸ“‹ Requirements

πŸ“¦ Installation

Install with your package manager.

-- Lazy
  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,

πŸ› οΈ Usage/Configuration

Basic usage

vim.opt.background = "dark" -- default to dark or light style

local opts = {...} -- options should be setted through a setup call:
require("monokai-nightasty").setup(opts) -- ...and then load the theme:

-- As an alternative, pass the options directly into load and it will run setup
-- the first time it is executed:
:set background=dark
:colorscheme monokai-nightasty


πŸ“Œ TLDR: Check the Configuration examples.

πŸ’‘ Toggle function

The plugin provides a toggle function to change the dark/light styles:


βš™οΈ Configuration details

⚠️ Set the configuration BEFORE loading the theme


Click to see the configuration spec
---@class monokai.Config
---@field dark_style_background monokai.BackgroundConfig default, dark, transparent, #RRGGBB
---@field light_style_background monokai.BackgroundConfig default, dark, transparent, #RRGGBB
---@field on_colors fun(colors: ColorScheme)
---@field on_highlights fun(highlights: monokai.Highlights, colors: ColorScheme)
---@field hl_styles monokai.HighlightStylesConfig Styles to be applied to selected syntax groups
---@field color_headers boolean Enable header colors for each header level (h1, h2, etc.)
---@field dim_inactive boolean dims inactive windows
---@field lualine_bold boolean Lualine headers will be bold or regular
---@field lualine_style monokai.LualineStyleConfig Possible values: "dark", "light" or "default" (default follows dark/light style)
---@field markdown_header_marks boolean Add headers marks highlights (the `#` character) to Treesitter highlight query
---@field terminal_colors boolean|table|fun(colors: ColorScheme):table
---@field auto_enable_plugins boolean Automatically enable supported plugins through lazy.nvim
---@field plugins table<string, boolean> List of manually enabled/disabled plugins.
---@field cache boolean Enables/Disable the cache

Full defaults:

Monokai Nightasty comes with these defaults:

M.defaults = {
  dark_style_background = "default", -- default, dark, transparent, #RRGGBB
  light_style_background = "default", -- default, dark, transparent, #RRGGBB
  hl_styles = {
    -- Custom styles for this groups: (See `:help nvim_set_hl`, Parameters, {val} for supported keys)
    comments = { italic = true },
    keywords = { italic = false },
    functions = {},
    variables = {},
    -- Background styles for floating windows and sidebars (panels):
    floats = "default", -- default, dark, transparent
    sidebars = "default", -- default, dark, transparent

  color_headers = false, -- Enable header colors for each header level (h1, h2, etc.)
  dim_inactive = false, -- dims inactive windows
  lualine_bold = true, -- Lualine headers will be bold or regular
  lualine_style = "default", -- "dark", "light" or "default" (default follows dark/light style)
  markdown_header_marks = false, -- Add headers marks highlights (the `#` character) to Treesitter highlight query

  -- Set the colors for terminal-mode (`:h terminal-config`). `false` to disable it.
  -- Pass a table with `terminal_color_x` values: `{ terminal_color_8 = "#e6e6e6" }`.
  -- Also accepts a function:
  -- ```lua
  -- function(colors) return { fg = colors.fg_dark, terminal_color_4 = "#ff00ff" } end
  -- ```
  -- > Use the `fg` key to apply colors to the normal text.
  terminal_colors = true,

  --- You can override specific color groups to use other groups or a hex color
  --- function will be called with the Monokai ColorScheme table.
  ---@param colors ColorScheme
  on_colors = function(colors) end,

  --- You can override specific highlights to use other groups or a hex color
  --- function will be called with the Monokai Highlights and ColorScheme table.
  ---@param highlights monokai.Highlights
  ---@param colors ColorScheme
  on_highlights = function(highlights, colors) end,

  -- When `true` the theme will be cached for better performance.
  cache = true,

  --- Automatically enable highlights for supported plugins in the lazy.nvim config.
  auto_enable_plugins = true,

  --- List of manually enabled/disabled plugins.
  --- Check the supported plugins here:
  ---@type table<string, boolean>
  plugins = {
    -- Use the ["<repository name>"]. For example:
    -- ["telescope.nvim"] = true,

    -- `all`: enable or disable all plugins. By default if lazy.nvim is not loaded enable all the plugins
    all = package.loaded.lazy == nil,

πŸ“ Configuration examples

Base configuration with a bit of customization:

Click to see the example
  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,
  keys = {
    { "<leader>tt", "<Cmd>MonokaiToggleLight<CR>", desc = "Monokai-Nightasty: Toggle dark/light theme." },
  ---@module "monokai-nightasty"
  ---@type monokai.UserConfig
  opts = {
    dark_style_background = "default", -- default | dark | transparent | #RRGGBB
    light_style_background = "default", -- default | dark | transparent | #RRGGBB
    markdown_header_marks = true,
    -- hl_styles = { comments = { italic = false } },
    terminal_colors = function(colors) return { fg = colors.fg_dark } end,
  config = function(_, opts)
    vim.opt.cursorline = true -- Highlight line at the cursor position
    vim.o.background = "dark" -- Default to dark theme


Full configuration:

Click to see the example
return {
  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,
  keys = {
    { "<leader>tt", "<Cmd>MonokaiToggleLight<CR>", desc = "Monokai-Nightasty: Toggle dark/light theme." },
  ---@module "monokai-nightasty"
  ---@type monokai.UserConfig
  opts = {
    dark_style_background = "transparent", -- default, dark, transparent, #RRGGBB
    light_style_background = "default", -- default, dark, transparent, #RRGGBB
    color_headers = true, -- Enable header colors for each header level (h1, h2, etc.)
    lualine_bold = true, -- Lualine a and z sections font width
    lualine_style = "default", -- "dark", "light" or "default" (Follows dark/light style)
    markdown_header_marks = true, -- Add headers marks highlights (the `#` character) to Treesitter highlight query
    -- Style to be applied to selected syntax groups. See `:help nvim_set_hl`
    hl_styles = {
      keywords = { italic = true },
      comments = { italic = true },
      floats = "dark",

    -- This also could be a table like this: `terminal_colors = { Normal = { fg = "#e6e6e6" } }`
    terminal_colors = function(colors)
      return { fg = colors.fg_dark }

    --- You can override specific color/highlights. Theme color values
    --- in `extras/palettes`. Also could be any hex RGB color you like.
    on_colors = function(colors)
      if vim.o.background == "light" then
        -- Custom colors for light theme
        colors.comment = "#2d7e79"
        colors.lualine.normal_bg = "#7ebd00"
        -- Custom colors for dark theme
        colors.border = colors.magenta
        colors.lualine.normal_bg =

    on_highlights = function(highlights, colors)
      -- You could add styles like bold, underline, italic
      highlights.TelescopeSelection = { bold = true }
      highlights.TelescopeBorder = { fg = colors.grey }
      highlights[""] = { fg = colors.fg }
  config = function(_, opts)
    -- Highlight line at the cursor position
    vim.opt.cursorline = true

    -- Default to dark theme
    vim.o.background = "dark"  -- dark | light

    -- Open new Nvim instances with the light theme when the sun hits the screen
    local date_output = vim.api.nvim_exec2("!date +'\\%H\\%M'", { output = true })
    local system_time = tonumber(string.match(date_output["output"], "%d%d%d%d"))
    if system_time >= 1345 and system_time < 1630 then
      vim.o.background = "light"


🍚 Customization: Change a color/style:

There are two main options: change the color definition or the specific highlight.

Change a color definition:

Simple use the on_colors option:

opts = {
  on_colors = function(colors)
    colors.charcoal_medium = "#455455"

This would be applied before the highlights generation.

Change a specific highlight:

Simple use the on_highlights option:

opts = {
  on_highlights(hl, c)
    hl["Folded"] = { fg =, bg = c.bg_float, italic = false },
    hl["LineNr"] = { fg = c.grey },

To get the highlight name, move the cursor over it and run :Inspect or check the plugin modules.

Independent light/dark theme customization:

Set colors for each theme using boolean logic:
  on_colors = function(colors)
    local is_light = vim.o.background == "light"
    colors.comment = is_light and "#2d7e79" or colors.grey
    colors.border = not is_light and colors.magenta or colors.border

    if is_light then = "#f59263",

  on_highlights = function(highlights, colors)
    local is_light = vim.o.background == "light"

    highlights["@variable.member.lua"] = {
      fg = is_light and colors.magenta or colors.grey,
      underline = is_light,

πŸ” Colors and Highlights

How the plugin setup the highlights and colors under the hood:

  1. colors are loaded from the base palette based on the current vim.o.background value ("dark"/"light").

  2. Then, colors is extended and adjusted following the configuration settings.

  3. After that, opts.on_colors(colors) is called, overriding any matching color.

  4. The highlight groups are set using the generated colors.

  5. opts.on_highlights(highlights, colors) can be used to override highlight groups.

If opts.cache is true and the current configuration has no changes, jump straight to step 5 to apply the on_highlights function.

To get the name of a highlight group or to find the used color, here are some alternatives:

  1. Use :Inspect to get info of the highlight group at the current position.
  2. Check the generated palettes in the extras.
  3. For plugins specifics check each module in the highlights directory.

🧩 Extras

Currently this extra files are generated:

The Monokai Nightasty Palette is a file with the used colors and highlights.

To use the generated config files with the corresponding external tool, check the extras folder, copy, link or reference the file in each setting. Refer to the respective program documentation.

Markdown files

Nvim Tressiter no longer provide highlight captures for the headers # marks. This plugin will provide them for as long as they work, or until nvim-treesitter provides any way to highlight them.

To enable this feature, set the markdown_header_marks option to true (defaults to false).

Disabled Enabled
Disabled TS custom query Enabled TS custom query


Config details

Just source the theme file:

source-file 'path/to/monokai-nightasty_dark.tmux'
# or the rounded style:
source-file 'path/to/monokai-nightasty_dark-rounded.tmux'

Fix undercurls in Tmux

If the undercurls or colors are not being properly displayed within Tmux, add the following to your config file:

# Undercurl
set -as terminal-features ",xterm-256color:RGB" # or: set -g default-terminal "${TERM}"
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Smulx=\E[4::%p1%dm'  # undercurl support
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Setulc=\E[58::2::%p1%{65536}%/%d::%p1%{256}%/%{255}%&%d::%p1%{255}%&%d%;m'  # underscore colours - needs tmux-3.0

πŸ”Œ Using with other plugins

You could import the color palette to use with other plugins:

local opts = require("monokai-nightasty.config").extend()
local colors = require("monokai-nightasty.colors").setup(opts)

some_plugin_config.title =
example_plugin_config = {
  foo = colors.bg_dark,
  bar =,
  buz = opts.transparent and colors.none or

Some color utility functions are available for use:

local opts = require("monokai-nightasty.config").extend()
local colors = require("monokai-nightasty.colors").setup(opts)
local utils = require("monokai-nightasty.utils")

some_plugin_config.example = utils.lighten(, 0.5)
some_plugin_config.another = utils.darken(, 0.3)

🎨 Color Palettes

πŸŒƒ Dark Style

Color name Hex code Render
Yellow #ffff87 #ffff87
Purple #af87ff #af87ff
Green #a4e400 #a4e400
Blue #62d8f1 #62d8f1
Magenta #fc1a70 #fc1a70
Orange #ff9700 #ff9700

πŸ™οΈ Light Style

Color name Hex code Render
Yellow #ff8f00 #ff8f00
Purple #6054d0 #6054d0
Green #4fb000 #4fb000
Blue #00b3e3 #00b3e3
Magenta #ff004b #ff004b
Orange #ff4d00 #ff4d00

🌱 Contributions

This plugin is made mainly for my personal use, but suggestions, issues, or pull requests are very welcome.



πŸ«– A dark/light theme for Neovim based on the Monokai color palette written in Lua, support for LSP, Treesitter and lots of plugins.





