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url shortener application programming interface

I. Specification

Create a webservice that shortens urls akin to tinyurl and, and provides statistics on their usage.

Endpoints to expose:

  • POST /shorten
    The request body will have the following content:

    {"url": "", "shortcode": "asd123"}

    When no shortcode is provided it should create a random shortcode for the provided url. The shortcode has a length of 6 characters and will contain only alphanumeric characters or underscores.
    Returns http status 201 with the following body:
    {"shortcode": "asd123"}

    • Errors:
      • 400 Url not present
      • 409 Shortcode already in use
      • 412 The provided shortcode is invalid
  • GET /<shortcode>
    Returns http status 302 with the Location header containing the url

    • Error:
      • 404 Shortcode not found
  • GET /<shortcode>/stats
    Returns http status 200 with the following body:

    {"created": "2017-05-10T20:45:00.000Z", "lastRedirect": "2018-05-16T10:16:24.666Z", "redirectCount": 5}

    • <created> contains the creation datetime of the shortcode (in ISO8601)
      <lastRedirect> contains the datetime of the last usage of the shortcode (in ISO8601)
      <redirectCount> indicates the number of times the shortcode has been used
    • Error:
      • 404 Shortcode not found

II. Status report

Tasks done:

  1. database creation automation
  2. POST /shorten
  3. GET /<shortcode>
  4. GET /<shortcode>/stats
  5. 7 unittests working

Further possible improvements:

  1. separation of concerns:
    - database initialization bash / separate python script, or Dockerfile
    - gunicorn / waitress to handle wsgi in production
  2. making database calls threadsafe
    • low level write lock transaction
  3. parse with urllib parser for various URLs/URIs, such as file:///, fish:/// etc.
  4. test if re.match is faster than for shortcode validation
  5. mock sqlalchemy responses for testing without app context
  6. more unittests for errors

III. Installation

1. Set environment variables for postgres in backend/backend/.env

2. Python packages

a. Using poetry:

poetry install

b. Using pip:

python -m pip install . (pip supports installing pyproject.toml dependencies natively)

c. Using pipenv/Pipfile:

poetry export -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt
pipenv install requirements.txt
i. pipenv shell python backend/ or
ii. pipenv run backend/

Pipfile lock should be generated separately if multiple python versions are being used. Not included in repository. Another solution to the problem is pyenv + venv/virtualenv

IV. Usage

A. Development

poetry run python backend/backend/
poetry run pytest /tests/

B. Deployment

1. Vagrant

Installing Vagrant
Installing bionic64 18.04 LTS on Vagrant

2. Docker + PostgreSQL

Installing Docker on bionic64
Installing PostgreSQL service on Docker Repository of Dockerfile and entrypoint

3. Create the database and its table

3.1. psql

\c <database name>

3.2. Python

i. py from models import db
ii. psql

i. requests.get('') or
ii. db.create_all() or
iii. psql
create table ...
based on backend/backend/

4. Initialize

  • init endpoint (see III.5.)

V. Containerized deployment

1. Start Vagrant

cd <working directory> vagrant up vagrant ssh

2. Connect to container

docker run --rm -P -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="..." --name / -p 5432:5432 -v $HOME/docker/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres

3. Connect to postgres

  • psql -h localhost -p 5432:5432 -U postgres or
  • docker exec -it / psql -U postgres -W

4. Run development server

poetry run python backend/backend/

5. Run browser, Postman, requests, httpie, etc. to send requests to API endpoints

Postman download

VI. Testing

Note: unittesting only works after proper initialization, as the app context is needed in order to not check third-party elements of flask and sqlalchemy

poetry run pytest backend/backend/tests
5 sample json files are provided in backend/backend/tests


curl http://localhost:5000/init
http POST localhost:5000/shorten < "<path of json file>"
http GET localhost:5000/<shortcode>
http GET localhost:5000/<shortcode>/stats
curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/shorten -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"url":"","shortcode":"asd123"}'

VII. Known issue

If you get a ModuleNotFoundError after installation, create backend/backend/ and change backend/backend/
from models import Shortcode, db to
from backend.models import Shortcode, db


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