Create a webservice that shortens urls akin to tinyurl and, and provides statistics on their usage.
Endpoints to expose:
POST /shorten
The request body will have the following content:{"url": "", "shortcode": "asd123"}
When no shortcode is provided it should create a random shortcode for the provided url. The shortcode has a length of 6 characters and will contain only alphanumeric characters or underscores.
Returns http status 201 with the following body:
{"shortcode": "asd123"}- Errors:
- 400 Url not present
- 409 Shortcode already in use
- 412 The provided shortcode is invalid
- Errors:
GET /<shortcode>
Returns http status 302 with the Location header containing the url- Error:
- 404 Shortcode not found
- Error:
GET /<shortcode>/stats
Returns http status 200 with the following body:{"created": "2017-05-10T20:45:00.000Z", "lastRedirect": "2018-05-16T10:16:24.666Z", "redirectCount": 5}
- <created> contains the creation datetime of the shortcode (in ISO8601)
<lastRedirect> contains the datetime of the last usage of the shortcode (in ISO8601)
<redirectCount> indicates the number of times the shortcode has been used - Error:
- 404 Shortcode not found
- <created> contains the creation datetime of the shortcode (in ISO8601)
Tasks done:
- database creation automation
- POST /shorten
- GET /<shortcode>
- GET /<shortcode>/stats
- 7 unittests working
Further possible improvements:
- separation of concerns:
- database initialization bash / separate python script, or Dockerfile
- gunicorn / waitress to handle wsgi in production - making database calls threadsafe
- low level write lock transaction
- parse with urllib parser for various URLs/URIs, such as file:///, fish:/// etc.
- test if re.match is faster than for shortcode validation
- mock sqlalchemy responses for testing without app context
- more unittests for errors
poetry install
python -m pip install .
(pip supports installing pyproject.toml dependencies natively)
poetry export -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt
pipenv install requirements.txt
pipenv shell
python backend/
pipenv run backend/
Pipfile lock should be generated separately if multiple python versions are being used. Not included in repository. Another solution to the problem is pyenv + venv/virtualenv
poetry run python backend/backend/
poetry run pytest /tests/
Installing Vagrant
Installing bionic64 18.04 LTS on Vagrant
Installing Docker on bionic64
Installing PostgreSQL service on Docker
Repository of Dockerfile and entrypoint
\c <database name>
from models import db
i. requests.get('')
ii. db.create_all() or
iii. psql
create table ...
based on backend/backend/
- init endpoint (see III.5.)
cd <working directory> vagrant up vagrant ssh
docker run --rm -P -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="..." --name / -p 5432:5432 -v $HOME/docker/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
- psql -h localhost -p 5432:5432 -U postgres or
- docker exec -it / psql -U postgres -W
poetry run python backend/backend/
Postman download
Note: unittesting only works after proper initialization, as the app context is needed in order to not check third-party elements of flask and sqlalchemy
poetry run pytest backend/backend/tests
5 sample json files are provided in backend/backend/tests
curl http://localhost:5000/init
http POST localhost:5000/shorten < "<path of json file>"
http GET localhost:5000/<shortcode>
http GET localhost:5000/<shortcode>/stats
curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/shorten -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"url":"","shortcode":"asd123"}'
If you get a ModuleNotFoundError after installation, create
and change backend/backend/
from models import Shortcode, db
from backend.models import Shortcode, db