A desktop runtime for apps built on web technologies, using the system's own web browser engine.
Electrino is an experimental featherweight alternative to the popular and powerful Electron. It implements a minuscule portion of the APIs available in Electron, but the output app size is much smaller.
A "Hello World" app takes 115 MB using Electron, but only 167 kB using Electrino:
This comparison is completely unfair because Electrino currently doesn't do anything more than this...! You can load a web page, access some basic Electron/Node APIs, and that's it. Electrino is nothing more than a proof of concept at present.
The current implementation is only for macOS. A Windows port using Microsoft Edge seems potentially interesting though.
Nothing planned right now. The best way to proceed would probably be to implement APIs used by real apps... So if you have a small Electron-based Mac app and you'd like to try putting it on an Electrino diet, let's give it a try! My contact info is below.
Pauli Olavi Ojala / @pauliooj / pauli @ lacquer.fi