NOTE: These are the full design files, gerber outputs and the scans of the stripped down PCBs I used to verify the schematics.
The schematics were made using Proteus Design Suite version 8.1 SP1 [Build 17358]. Hopefully newer versions can be used to view them.
Schematics diagrams, part layout and bill of materials for Nutting Computer Space, single player version.
These files were redrawn from scans of the original schematics. Errors in the original drawing were corrected based upon examining an original set of game boards from a unit with serial #9392. Your board layout or part values may differ slightly as there may have been some undocumented changes to the design throughout the production run of this game.
The following general changes were made to the schematics:
Used logical/functional symbols for parts instead of straight pin layout.
Attempted to obey consistent schematic layout rules: inputs on left, outputs to the right, VCC on top/left and ground connections on the bottom.
Added part numbers (some borrowed from original layout) for all components to allow for easier tracing of signals.
Version 1A Update:
-Added Sync/Star Board Model 2 schematic. The parts and connections on this board have not been verified since I do not own a Model 2 board.
-Added the RotateLeftSW and RotateRightSW signal labels to the Memory Board.
-Some minor tweaks to the positions of symbols
You may email me at [email protected] with any corrections or omissions and I will update the files as necessary.