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amalashkevich committed Feb 26, 2015
0 parents commit 78546d3
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Showing 10 changed files with 18,712 additions and 0 deletions.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
import json
from models import *
from js import *

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
return render_template("index.html")

def get_departments():
departments =
return to_json(db, departments, include=[Department.groups,])

def get_course_students(name, semester):
students = Course[name, semester].students
return to_json(db, {'students': students})

def get_group_students(number):
students = Group[number].students
return to_json(db, {'students': students})

@app.route('/update', methods=['POST'])
def update():
ormdata = request.form['ormdata']
save_changes(db, ormdata)
return json.dumps({'status': 'ok'})

if __name__ == '__main__':
app.debug = True
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from pony.py23compat import int_types, basestring, imap, iteritems

import json
from operator import attrgetter
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import date, datetime
from decimal import Decimal

from pony.orm.core import Attribute, Set, Entity, EntityMeta, TransactionError, db_session, flush
# PermissionError, get_current_user, get_current_user_groups
# can_view, can_edit, can_delete
from pony.utils import throw, cut_traceback

__all__ = 'basic_converter', 'get_schema_dict', 'get_schema_json', 'to_json', 'save_changes'

def basic_converter(x):
if isinstance(x, (datetime, date, Decimal)):
return str(x)
if isinstance(x, dict):
return dict(x)
if isinstance(x, Entity):
pkval = x._get_raw_pkval_()
return pkval[0] if len(pkval) == 1 else pkval
try: iter(x)
except: raise TypeError(x)
return list(x)

def get_schema_dict(db):
result = []
for entity in sorted(db.entities.values(), key=attrgetter('_id_')):
# if not can_view(entity): continue
attrs = []
for attr in entity._new_attrs_:
d = dict(name =, type = attr.py_type.__name__, kind = attr.__class__.__name__)
if d['auto'] = True
if attr.reverse:
# if not can_view(attr.reverse.entity): continue
d['reverse'] =
if attr.lazy: d['lazy'] = True
if attr.nullable: d['nullable'] = True
if attr.default and issubclass(type(attr.default), (int_types, basestring)):
d['defaultValue'] = attr.default
d = dict(name=entity.__name__, newAttrs=attrs, pkAttrs=[ for attr in entity._pk_attrs_ ])
if entity._all_bases_:
d['bases'] = [ base.__name__ for base in entity._all_bases_ ]
if entity._simple_keys_:
d['simpleKeys'] = [ for attr in entity._simple_keys_ ]
if entity._composite_keys_:
d['compositeKeys'] = [ [ for attr in attrs ] for attrs in entity._composite_keys_ ]
return result

def get_schema_json(db):
return json.dumps(get_schema_dict(db), default=basic_converter)

def to_json(database, data, include=(), exclude=(), converter=None, with_schema=True):
for attrs, param_name in ((include, 'include'), (exclude, 'exclude')):
for attr in attrs:
if not isinstance(attr, Attribute): throw(TypeError,
"Each item of '%s' list should be attribute. Got: %s" % (param_name, attr))
include, exclude = set(include), set(exclude)
if converter is None: converter = basic_converter

# def user_has_no_rights_to_see(obj, attr=None):
# user_groups = get_current_user_groups()
# throw(PermissionError, 'The current user %s which belongs to groups %s '
# 'has no rights to see the object %s on the frontend'
# % (get_current_user(), sorted(user_groups), obj))

object_set = set()
caches = set()
def obj_converter(obj):
if not isinstance(obj, Entity): return converter(obj)
if len(caches) > 1: throw(TransactionError,
'An attempt to serialize objects belonging to different transactions')
# if not can_view(obj):
# user_has_no_rights_to_see(obj)
pkval = obj._get_raw_pkval_()
if len(pkval) == 1: pkval = pkval[0]
return { 'class': obj.__class__.__name__, 'pk': pkval }

data_json = json.dumps(data, default=obj_converter)

objects = {}
if caches:
cache = caches.pop()
if cache.database is not database:
throw(TransactionError, 'An object does not belong to specified database')
object_list = list(object_set)
objects = {}
for obj in object_list:
if obj in cache.seeds[obj._pk_attrs_]: obj._load_()
entity = obj.__class__
# if not can_view(obj):
# user_has_no_rights_to_see(obj)
d = objects.setdefault(entity.__name__, {})
for val in obj._get_raw_pkval_(): d = d.setdefault(val, {})
assert not d, d
for attr in obj._attrs_:
if attr in exclude: continue
if attr in include: pass
# if attr not in entity_perms.can_read: user_has_no_rights_to_see(obj, attr)
elif attr.is_collection: continue
elif attr.lazy: continue
# elif attr not in entity_perms.can_read: continue

if attr.is_collection:
if not isinstance(attr, Set): throw(NotImplementedError)
value = []
for item in attr.__get__(obj):
if item not in object_set:
pkval = item._get_raw_pkval_()
value.append(pkval[0] if len(pkval) == 1 else pkval)
value = attr.__get__(obj)
if value is not None and attr.is_relation:
if attr in include and value not in object_set:
pkval = value._get_raw_pkval_()
value = pkval[0] if len(pkval) == 1 else pkval

d[] = value
objects_json = json.dumps(objects, default=converter)
if not with_schema:
return '{"data": %s, "objects": %s}' % (data_json, objects_json)
schema_json = get_schema_json(database)
return '{"data": %s, "objects": %s, "schema": %s}' % (data_json, objects_json, schema_json)

def save_changes(db, changes, observer=None):
changes = json.loads(changes)

import pprint; pprint.pprint(changes)

objmap = {}
for diff in changes['objects']:
if diff['_status_'] == 'c': continue
pk = diff['_pk_']
pk = (pk,) if type(pk) is not list else tuple(pk)
entity_name = diff['class']
entity = db.entities[entity_name]
obj = entity._get_by_raw_pkval_(pk, from_db=False)
oid = diff['_id_']
objmap[oid] = obj

def id2obj(attr, val):
return objmap[val] if attr.reverse and val is not None else val

# def user_has_no_rights_to(operation, obj):
# user_groups = get_current_user_groups()
# throw(PermissionError, 'The current user %s which belongs to groups %s '
# 'has no rights to %s the object %s on the frontend'
# % (get_current_user(), sorted(user_groups), operation, obj))

for diff in changes['objects']:
entity_name = diff['class']
entity = db.entities[entity_name]
dbvals = {}
newvals = {}
for name, val in diff.items():
if name not in ('class', '_pk_', '_id_', '_status_'):
attr = entity._adict_[name]
if not attr.is_collection:
if type(val) is dict:
if 'old' in val: dbvals[attr] = attr.validate(id2obj(attr, val['old']))
if 'new' in val: newvals[] = attr.validate(id2obj(attr, val['new']))
else: newvals[] = attr.validate(id2obj(attr, val))
oid = diff['_id_']
status = diff['_status_']
if status == 'c':
assert not dbvals
obj = entity(**newvals)
if observer:
flush() # in order to get
observer('create', obj, newvals)
objmap[oid] = obj
# if not can_edit(obj): user_has_no_rights_to('create', obj)
obj = objmap[oid]
if status == 'd':
# if not can_delete(obj): user_has_no_rights_to('delete', obj)
if observer: observer('delete', obj)
elif status == 'u':
# if not can_edit(obj): user_has_no_rights_to('update', obj)
if newvals:
assert dbvals
if observer:
oldvals = dict((, val) for attr, val in iteritems(dbvals))
observer('update', obj, newvals, oldvals)
obj._db_set_(dbvals) # dbvals can be modified here
for attr in dbvals: attr.__get__(obj)
else: assert not dbvals
objmap[oid] = obj
for diff in changes['objects']:
if diff['_status_'] == 'd': continue
obj = objmap[diff['_id_']]
entity = obj.__class__
for name, val in diff.items():
if name not in ('class', '_pk_', '_id_', '_status_'):
attr = entity._adict_[name]
if attr.is_collection and attr.reverse.is_collection and attr < attr.reverse:
removed = [ objmap[oid] for oid in val.get('removed', ()) ]
added = [ objmap[oid] for oid in val.get('added', ()) ]
collection = attr.__get__(obj)
if removed:
observer('remove', obj, {name: removed})
if added:
observer('add', obj, {name: added})

def deserialize(x):
t = type(x)
if t is list: return list(imap(deserialize, x))
if t is dict:
if '_id_' not in x:
return dict((key, deserialize(val)) for key, val in iteritems(x))
obj = objmap.get(x['_id_'])
if obj is None:
entity_name = x['class']
entity = db.entities[entity_name]
pk = x['_pk_']
obj = entity[pk]
return obj
return x

return deserialize(changes['data'])

99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import date

from pony.orm.core import *

db = Database()

class Department(db.Entity):
number = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
name = Required(str, unique=True)
groups = Set("Group")
courses = Set("Course")

class Group(db.Entity):
number = PrimaryKey(int)
major = Required(str)
dept = Required("Department")
students = Set("Student")

class Course(db.Entity):
name = Required(str)
semester = Required(int)
lect_hours = Required(int)
lab_hours = Required(int)
credits = Required(int)
dept = Required(Department)
students = Set("Student")
PrimaryKey(name, semester)

class Student(db.Entity):
# _table_ = "public", "Students" # Schema support
id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
name = Required(str)
dob = Required(date)
tel = Optional(str)
picture = Optional(buffer, lazy=True)
gpa = Required(float, default=0)
group = Required(Group)
courses = Set(Course)

sql_debug(True) # Output all SQL queries to stdout

db.bind('sqlite', 'university.sqlite', create_db=True)
#db.bind('mysql', host="localhost", user="presentation", passwd="pony", db="presentation")
#db.bind('postgres', user='presentation', password='pony', host='localhost', database='presentation')
#db.bind('oracle', 'presentation/pony@localhost')


def populate_database():
if select(s for s in Student).count() > 0:

d1 = Department(name="Department of Computer Science")
d2 = Department(name="Department of Mathematical Sciences")
d3 = Department(name="Department of Applied Physics")

c1 = Course(name="Web Design", semester=1, dept=d1,
lect_hours=30, lab_hours=30, credits=3)
c2 = Course(name="Data Structures and Algorithms", semester=3, dept=d1,
lect_hours=40, lab_hours=20, credits=4)

c3 = Course(name="Linear Algebra", semester=1, dept=d2,
lect_hours=30, lab_hours=30, credits=4)
c4 = Course(name="Statistical Methods", semester=2, dept=d2,
lect_hours=50, lab_hours=25, credits=5)

c5 = Course(name="Thermodynamics", semester=2, dept=d3,
lect_hours=25, lab_hours=40, credits=4)
c6 = Course(name="Quantum Mechanics", semester=3, dept=d3,
lect_hours=40, lab_hours=30, credits=5)

g101 = Group(number=101, major='B.E. in Computer Engineering', dept=d1)
g102 = Group(number=102, major='B.S./M.S. in Computer Science', dept=d1)
g103 = Group(number=103, major='B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics', dept=d2)
g104 = Group(number=104, major='B.S./M.S. in Pure Mathematics', dept=d2)
g105 = Group(number=105, major='B.E in Electronics', dept=d3)
g106 = Group(number=106, major='B.S./M.S. in Nuclear Engineering', dept=d3)

s1 = Student(name='John Smith', dob=date(1991, 3, 20), tel='123-456', gpa=3, group=g101,
courses=[c1, c2, c4, c6])
s2 = Student(name='Matthew Reed', dob=date(1990, 11, 26), gpa=3.5, group=g101,
courses=[c1, c3, c4, c5])
s3 = Student(name='Chuan Qin', dob=date(1989, 2, 5), gpa=4, group=g101,
courses=[c3, c5, c6])
s4 = Student(name='Rebecca Lawson', dob=date(1990, 4, 18), tel='234-567', gpa=3.3, group=g102,
courses=[c1, c4, c5, c6])
s5 = Student(name='Maria Ionescu', dob=date(1991, 4, 23), gpa=3.9, group=g102,
courses=[c1, c2, c4, c6])
s6 = Student(name='Oliver Blakey', dob=date(1990, 9, 8), gpa=3.1, group=g102,
courses=[c1, c2, c5])
s7 = Student(name='Jing Xia', dob=date(1988, 12, 30), gpa=3.2, group=g102,
courses=[c1, c3, c5, c6])

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions static/css/bootstrap.min.css

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions static/js/bootstrap.min.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.


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