This library is another wrapper for node.js C++ bindings. How is it different?
- It is written over napi interface that supposed to be stable in long term
- It reuses paradigms from functional programming to reduce return code checking
Minimal example of native module:
#include <craftnapi/env.hpp>
craftnapi::Result<craftnapi::Value> hello_world(craftnapi::Env& env, const craftnapi::CallbackInfo& ci) {
return ci[0]
.add_context("first argument")
.bind([&](auto&& str) {
return env.create_string("Hello world: " + str);
napi_value init(napi_env inenv, napi_value) {
craftnapi::Env env(inenv);
return env.exports({
{ "hello_world", env.create_function(hello_world) },
And this code checks all return codes returned by napi interface!