SimilarCharacter Public
Forked from contr4l/SimilarCharacter对常用的6700个汉字进行音、形比较,输出音近字、形近字的列表。 # 相近字
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 13, 2022 -
client Public
Forked from triton-inference-server/clientTriton Python, C++ and Java client libraries, and GRPC-generated client examples for go, java and scala.
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 13, 2022 -
server Public
Forked from triton-inference-server/serverThe Triton Inference Server provides an optimized cloud and edge inferencing solution.
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 12, 2022 -
roformer-sim Public
Forked from ZhuiyiTechnology/roformer-simSimBERT升级版(SimBERTv2)!
Python UpdatedAug 3, 2021 -
examples Public
Forked from pytorch/examplesA set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 23, 2021 -
The-compression-of-Transformer Public
Forked from szhangtju/The-compression-of-TransformerPython UpdatedDec 16, 2020 -
golden-horse Public
Forked from hltcoe/golden-horseNamed Entity Recognition for Chinese social media (Weibo). From EMNLP 2015 paper.
Python UpdatedJun 9, 2020 -
awd-lstm-lm Public
Forked from salesforce/awd-lstm-lmLSTM and QRNN Language Model Toolkit for PyTorch
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
keras Public
Forked from keras-team/kerasDeep Learning for humans
Python Other UpdatedMay 10, 2019 -
NLP_basis Public
Forked from JackKuo666/NLP_basis这是我学习一个NLP教程【2019最新AI 自然语言处理之深度机器学习顶级项目实战课程】做的笔记与代码
TensorFlow-Examples Public
Forked from aymericdamien/TensorFlow-ExamplesTensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners with Latest APIs
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedJan 15, 2019 -