python lib to make mqtt connections simpler
I made this code, because I was shocked that there doesnt seem to be any pre-written direct AWS IoT code to make it easier to get started with AWS IoT
Right now, the library only provides a single function, create_iot_connection()
Details of the connection are sorted out through the awsiotmqttlib-config.yaml file
A trivial little demo is included.
It calls the create_iot_connection() function, and then proceeds to first subscribe to a dummy topic, publish to that topic, and then as validation, print out the same mesage that it received back from AWS IoT MQTT
A valid set of AWS IoT "thing" certs that have iot permissions
The awsiotsdk python pip installed (do pip3 -r requirements.txt )
gives some manual details of how to create a test "thing", etc.
If requested, I might create scripts to do that for people.
Additionally, there is a related "workshop" at