IIT Bombay
- http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~prabhu
mojo Public
Forked from modular/mojoThe Mojo Programming Language
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedDec 19, 2023 -
py3dviz-scipy22 Public
Tutorial material for the Pythonic 3D visualization at SciPy 2022
itkwidgets Public
Forked from InsightSoftwareConsortium/itkwidgetsInteractive Jupyter widgets to visualize images, point sets, and meshes in 2D and 3D
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 7, 2022 -
scipy_proceedings Public
Forked from scipy-conference/scipy_proceedingsTools used to generate the SciPy conference proceedings
ipyevents Public
Forked from mwcraig/ipyeventsA custom widget for returning mouse and keyboard events to Python. Demo notebook:
TypeScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 4, 2019 -
VTKPythonPackage Public
Forked from KitwareMedical/VTKPythonPackageA setup script to generate VTK Python Wheels
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 29, 2018 -
Slides-SciPyConf-2018 Public
Forked from deniederhut/Slides-SciPyConf-2018A repository for public storage of slides given at the 17th Python in Science Conferences (2018)
Jupyter Notebook Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedJul 14, 2018 -
ipyaml Public
IPython notebooks with YAML file format
tex2ipy Public
Convert LaTeX beamer files to Jupyter/IPython notebooks and RISE
pydata-cookbook Public
Forked from pydata/pydata-cookbookPyData Coobook Project
Python Other UpdatedJan 7, 2018 -
pymetabiosis Public
Forked from rguillebert/pymetabiosisA way to use CPython modules on PyPy
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 23, 2016 -
staged-recipes Public
Forked from conda-forge/staged-recipesA place to submit conda recipes before they become fully fledged conda-forge feedstocks
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 13, 2016 -
lancet Public
Forked from ioam/lancetLaunch jobs, organize the output, and dissect the results
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 25, 2015 -
holoviews Public
Forked from holoviz/holoviewsComposable, declarative data structures for building complex visualizations easily.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 25, 2015 -
sees Public
Forked from FOSSEE/seesSoftware Engineering for Engineers and Scientists
PyConAPAC2011-tutorials Public
Forked from FOSSEE/workshops-more-scipyRepository containing more of SciPy than in our standard workshop
cylinalg Public
Forked from insertinterestingnamehere/cylinalgCython wrappers for the BLAS and LAPACK routines included in scipy.linalg.
Python UpdatedSep 17, 2014 -
esky Public
Forked from cloudmatrix/eskyan auto-update framework for frozen python apps