Data analytics code with election data. All code is experimental and educational.
use the election data on a per county/per party votes. use pandas library and also custom code to experiment with data.
Custom code reads the CSV files and since the format is clear enough, produces a number of json files with some transformation.
Pandas does the same, but with a lot less code and some transformation operations scuh as aggregation, filtering and reducing.
- find a way to automatically identify the counties to focus on
- find the precinct level data and check how 2024 transformed.
- which precincts increased in population or voter turnout, and how those precincts voted
- obtain precinct level voter turnout for areas such as
- school board etc
- see which of those people or positions are party-oriented or non-partisan, speficially look up the county DA or judges
- find which of the bond/tax propositions passed
- based on precinct data, predict the party leaning and the kind of messaging they may need
- find the county and see if there are any radio/podcasts out of that area, find the demographics